6 thoughts on “ISIS IS US?? Podcast of May 30, 2015 Show”

  1. Monica, I had some ‘drama’ last weekend and missed your show. But I have now listened to the first podcast and wanted to make a comment before proceeding to the remaining two podcasts. It’s clear you came from excellent stock, given your parents views and rationale for same! And the William F. Buckley, Jr. comments jogged my memory as I was a past subscriber of the hard copy magazine, “National Review”. I used to live in Pasadena, CA, and I made it a point of getting to know my state assemblyman. I was fortunate that he was a patriot, and his chief of staff, just the same. Through those associations, I learned (and corroborated!) that Buckley was a phoney and acting as controlled oposition. He was probably CIA. My primary subject of interest then (and now!) is ‘immigration’ and related, and Buckley fired Peter Brimelbow and John O’Sullivan, two very senior staff at the National Review as they dared write about our open borders and related. Your parents were duped, as was I. But they saw through it!!

  2. Monica, I have listened to the remaining two podcasts. What a treasure they are!! What you bring to the table, and the quality of your callers!! I will just implore your readers to listen to the podcasts with focused discernment to not miss any of the information that is presented. As you closed your show you mentioned a “total breakdown of trust” that pervades our attitudes today, and that is certainly my position! So whether you listened to the live broadcast or not, listen again and pick up the nuances. We can turn this around, but we first need to fully understand the problem and the lies and deceits that are used to con us!

  3. That was a brilliant show! I listened to the podcast and was pleasantly surprised by the callers challenging the official narratives surrounding the various wars of aggression perpetrated by US and NATO leaders and their enablers.

    On the subject of Saddam’s execution, don’t forget his wife’s comments after visiting him in prison – “That is not my husband! “

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