After a little glitch in the system preventing me from uploading media into last month’s newsletter, we are back in action! I am in the process of upgrading and I’m going to make some changes to the site (and the newsletter!) going forward.
Brad will continue to post all his content, free and premium, as well as connect with listeners on and we will both continue to post all content, commercial free, on I am going to convert this site, however, to and use the Press Pool and membership features to connect with the community. The Press Pool (click on “Dive” in the menu above) will continue to be a place where we can post articles and comment on them for all to see, and the membership feature is a free way you can message me and each other directly.
I have made the decision not to put anything behind a paywall for as long as I can continue to cover my production expenses by ads alone. If you find value in what I am doing & would like to help me create more content, please contribute to my other expenses by making a one-time donation here and also please subscribe to and review my Deep Dives feed on itunes here–that feed is for the superfans who know the inside track–it’s commercial-free and includes regular bonus content…check it out on your favorite podcasting platform and see what you’ve been missing!
Special: Propaganda Report 11oz mugs 20% off PLUS free stickers 
Order an 11oz Propaganda Report mug in white or khaki and get 20% off PLUS free Propaganda Report & DNB stickers! (I may have to move soon & don’t want to have to pack the fragile stuff–anything I have in actual inventory must go!) SHOP HERE!
Dive Master Interviews
Dive Masters are subject-matter experts or principled thought leaders…here are this month’s conversations with them…
Brian Festa Fighting the Good Fight
False Flag Round Table with the OD, the Original Divemaster, Ole Dammegård
Lightning Round with Teace Snyder
Jeremy Kuzmarov on Phoenix in Ukraine
Deep Dives Index
From Roe to Chicago Diversions Abound
From the British Government to Dutch Farmers, Activists Are Forcing Issues
Protests bring back mob rule old school!
Are food shortages a manufactured crisis? Are they a crisis at all?
Is DEI the second coming of ESG?
Buddy Dives
Buddy Dives are my conversations with other podcasters on their shows, my show or as a swapcast….
Union of the Unwanted #50: Anarchists v Statists
Union of the Unwanted #49: Planet X, Gun Control & EVERYTHING
Ricky Varandas / The Ripple Effect
Colby & Jeremiah / Conspiracy Playtime
Bill Griffin / A Different Take & Clint Powell / During the Break
Scott & William / History Homos…the CIA, the Vatican & Gladio
Bonus Shows Exclusively on Monica’s Deep Dives
Chewing the Fat with Fat Mitch: Ukraine, a Case Study in Corruption
Created Persons with Robbie the Fire
And…courtesy of the lovely and talented Propper from Down Under we all know and love….
Community Creations!
Thank you Wild Bill & Ash for the tallow & the lotion! We’ve been keeping an eye on your fabulous creations–I’m so grateful to actually have a taste in real life!
Beautiful wildflowers from our Emerald Isle contingent…
And the lovely & colorful Queen Callie from whom life seems to spring up all around….
Blast From the Past
This is an unusual blast from the past, but what else would you call it?! Here is some home video of Iceland’s eruption courtesy of Mr. J., the cool and loyal listener who set me straight on how Iceland got a bad wrap from CBS news about their treatment of people who have Down syndrome…I can’t think of anything I like more than a respectful correction from a place of good will…many thanks And thanks for the videos! That is FREAKY!!
This Month’s Book Recommendations
Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation, by William Engdahl
(courtesy of Dean who lent it to me long distance…very kind!)
In a rare foray into pulp fiction, I was stuck at my mom’s without a deep diver…I found this & it defo made the flight go by quickly…
Run Away, by Harlan Coben
This Month’s Glossary Entry
This Month’s Cocktail Recipe
Support Monica & Friends
As you know, I (Monica) am no longer contributing to the patreon or locals feeds and therefore am no longer supported by those platforms. If you enjoy my free, high-quality content and would like to see it continue, please consider helping to defray my production costs with a one-time or monthly donation here:
For links to all our sponsors past and present, or to buy Propaganda Report or Deep Dives merchandise, click here: Shop
Love how the TPR community feel is budding and growing with every newsletter. I love seeing the photos & art & artisanisms of what others are doing. Plus having all the latest TPR juice in one place is conveniently convenient.
Nice work on the Deep Dives show, Monica. Loving the top n tail audio track. Just fits you perfectly. It has a classy, curiosity type of feel.
So glad to hear your Mom has fully kicked the ‘whatever it was’ out of her existence ♥️?
Ha ha ha! Yes … when the 93 year with congestive heart failure can beat it, ya gotta wonder (but if you weren’t already wondering then you’re probably hopeless!!) I agree on the beauty of our contributions – including the qoodles!! I’ll be counting on you next month when I’m ready to relaunch the press pool & messaging stuff here – I know I can!!
Standing by Qomrade (salutes, sips cocktail) x