They’re Coming To Get You!!!! Podcast of December 19, 2015 Show

Hour 1 Hour 2 I wasn’t the only one who picked up on the insane fear-mongering of Chris Christie! Here’s the SNL cold open aired a few hours after my show… Conan O’Brien media prank Operation Mockingbird Hugh Hewitt asks Ben Carson to promise to kill thousands of innocent children The Remnant Crazy picture of … Read more

The Foreign Policy of the Old Right…

In anticipation of the first GOP debate next week (a mere 15 months before the election, with an uncurated field of 16!), I’m discussing my ranking of the candidates on tomorrow’s show…I’m hoping against hope that at least ONE of them will harken back to what Murray Rothbard called The Old Right and acknowledge the … Read more

The Strip: ISIS militants skimming hundreds of millions of dollars of US funds: "A Dilemma for US & Bagdhad"

The only two installments of my “weekly column” The Strip appeared almost a year ago! I guess I’ll call it an annual column and consider myself ahead of the game! In any case, The Strip is about getting to the meat of the matter and stripping out the propaganda from a particularly egregious mainstream media story. Yesterday, such an article appeared in The Wall Street Journal, begging me to give it The Strip. Here it is…

The Propaganda

The article titled, Militants in Iraq Siphon State Pay: Islamic State skims funds headed for government employees in occupied areas, creating a dilemma for U.S. and Baghdad, reports that the US is giving hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to the Iraq government and one of the things the Iraq government is spending its money on is cash payments to government employees operating in captive ISIS territory. One or two thousand ISIS militants holding the city of Mosul in Iraq are forcing government workers there to remit 30% of their pay to the Islamic State. The White House is not comfortable directing the Iraq government to stop this flow of funds because “people can’t starve.”

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