Charlie Hebdo: The Strange Case of the Shot Policeman

Yesterday, I watched with horror a video of the Charlie Hebdo shooting in Paris in which a policeman was shot in the head from inches away with a semi-automatic weapon. Something just didn’t look right about the video though, so I decided to slow it down and see if a frame-by-frame analysis would help me understand what I was seeing. What I found is hard to believe, so I’m presenting it to you – perhaps you can make sense of it. Here are the relevant frames from the video:

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This is CRAZY!

I rarely check Infowars, not because I think Alex Jones is a crazy conspiracy theorist, but because I think he makes conspiracy theorists look crazy! However, I stumbled upon a headline from Infowars I just had to click on: MYSTERY: SANDY HOOK VICTIM DIES (AGAIN) IN PAKISTAN Photo of child killed at Sandy Hook shows … Read more