Tomorrow on the Show (regular time 3-6PM ET)

Do you smell a rat with how this “Sony Hack” is unfolding? I know you do because I’ve gotten an unprecedented amount of emails etc. telling me the story seems a bit contrived. This is a big operation to be a put-up job, but stranger things have happened. I’ll be reading your comments on the … Read more

In Memory of Robert Saylor….

Does anyone remember Robert Saylor? I do. I reported his death on the air over a year ago. I still choke up when I think of him because I have a stubborn son with Down syndrome who is sometimes hard to redirect. Robert Saylor didn’t want to leave a movie theater & when the cops … Read more

I’m Still Thankful After All These Years…

Every year I think I should write a new Thanksgiving post and every year I realize I’m still thankful — very, very thankful — for the exact same things. So once again, my one and only Thanksgiving post! Thankfulness Is in the Eye of the Beholder If you’ve ever listened to my show or perused … Read more

Shirtless Cheeseball or Class Act?

This video demonstrated something interesting to me about standards, dignity, decorum, etc. My last facebook post was a video (see below) of how ignorant our college kids can be and I think those low standards reach up to the highest levels in our society, certainly in our government–but that’s not true everywhere. Putin really looks … Read more