False Flag Roundtable with the the “OD”, Original Divemaster: Ole Dammegård

This Divemaster episode with the legendary Ole Dammegård of LIGHT ON CONSPIRACIES is courtesy of roundtable participants, Charlie Robinson of MACROAGGRESSIONS, Scott Armstrong of REBUNKED.NEWS and Steve Poikonen of SLOW NEWS DAY .

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1 thought on “False Flag Roundtable with the the “OD”, Original Divemaster: Ole Dammegård”

  1. Personally, I find the indulgence of conspiracy theories that can’t be proven counterproductive when there are so many that can be proven; I also find it disrespectful for the victims that died, and the survivalist community that devote ourselves to learning lessons from these events so that we may be less dependent on the government when these things happen in the future. It does a disservice to libertarians in that it makes it more difficult to get conservatives, and progressives out of their silos; most of all, it prevents us for taking responsibility for what the government does with our tax dollars. I believe the focus should be on screwing the government out of our tax revenue whenever possible to prevent them funding organizations that provoke, or execute terrorist attacks; we should also devote ourselves to getting medically, and tactically trained to respond to terrorist attacks when they occur so the government can’t trade our freedom for safety

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