Read about this in a WSJ article today that said in 80% of school attacks a “bystander had an indication the perp was planning an attack,” so this protocol was born-gotta wonder, in cases where nothing ever happens how often does someone suspect something?
— Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) July 13, 2018
Keynes championed inflation to combat “sticky wages” – ie if you try to lower workers’ pay they resist so you must deceitfully inflate their pay away in the name of growth … roses are red violets are blue, taxation is theft, inflation is too (h/t @Sebastian_JKT )
— Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) July 13, 2018
Doesn’t Rep Amash know what’s REALLY important? Is Strzok a hero or a villain?? Answer the question!!
— Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) July 13, 2018
Does it get any more dialectical than this? Strzok is both superhero & archvillain at the same time…meanwhile trade wars & NATO 2.0 are reshaping the world #Distraction #Diversion #SoapOpera #RealityShow
— Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) July 13, 2018
Maybe his financiers know something we don’t about how this will all end up for Mr. Cohen ?
— Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) July 13, 2018
Andrew Napolitano Is ‘Gravely Disappointed’ by President Trump’s Supreme Court Pick
— Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) July 13, 2018
Not everything is a false dialectic & those who would rule the world are not all powerful…here’s some real news for ya…
— Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) July 13, 2018
Now I don’t feel so bad about stockpiling plastic straws (I’m adding them to my lightbulb stash
“Starbucks Bans Plastic Straws, Winds Up Using More Plastic”— Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) July 13, 2018
He pontificates exactly like Comey does – maybe they have the same acting coach?
“6 key moments from Peter Strzok’s wild hearing”
Washington Post— Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) July 13, 2018
What’s up with this? Is the whole thing for show?
— Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) July 12, 2018
Actually, it was the fact that Obamacare was ruled a tax that made it unconstitutional! Tax bills must originate in the House! Not that the Constitution really matters anymore… #RestoreTheTenthAmendment
— Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) July 12, 2018
During the Brexit campaign it was clear national health was a wedge issue as powerful as race is here – that’s when I knew what we were really getting with Obamacare…
— Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) July 12, 2018
First day of Administrative Law in law school, prof said: ‘I don’t want to talk about the unconstitutionality of the executive branch making law—get over it.’ I never did.
— Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) July 12, 2018
If this is done w/competence & in good faith, fine, but the express right to petition govt is in the 1st Amendment—if anything is protected speech this is. Hope they proceed with caution but I’m not holding my breath! #WTWOF (nb curating comments will misrepresent public opinion)
— Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) July 12, 2018
Some of these stories I find hard to believe…how long do you think it would take for a three year old not to recognize his mother anymore? Perhaps there’s more to this story than simply “Trump’s family separations”
— Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) July 11, 2018
Just when I was beginning to think it might really happen ? #WTWOF @freedomactradio
— Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) July 10, 2018
Won’t this attempt at universal basic income ultimately give rise to voter ID or border security type problems? And once the facebooker who’s funding it stops, how will they keep the people who have to pay for it in the town? Maybe they’ll build a wall ?
— Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) July 10, 2018
“The Mystery of Robert Knudsen” #alternativealternative #feedly
— Monica Perez (@MonicaPerezShow) July 8, 2018