What Really Happened to Little Madeleine McCann?

I just finished watching this more than four hour documentary on the truth about Madeleine McCann, the three-year-old British girl who was allegedly kidnapped in Portugal in 2007. According to this meticulous documentary (that’s why it’s four hours long – the story itself could be told in an hour, but laying out all the proofs took … Read more

The Strip: ISIS militants skimming hundreds of millions of dollars of US funds: "A Dilemma for US & Bagdhad"

The only two installments of my “weekly column” The Strip appeared almost a year ago! I guess I’ll call it an annual column and consider myself ahead of the game! In any case, The Strip is about getting to the meat of the matter and stripping out the propaganda from a particularly egregious mainstream media story. Yesterday, such an article appeared in The Wall Street Journal, begging me to give it The Strip. Here it is…

The Propaganda

The article titled, Militants in Iraq Siphon State Pay: Islamic State skims funds headed for government employees in occupied areas, creating a dilemma for U.S. and Baghdad, reports that the US is giving hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to the Iraq government and one of the things the Iraq government is spending its money on is cash payments to government employees operating in captive ISIS territory. One or two thousand ISIS militants holding the city of Mosul in Iraq are forcing government workers there to remit 30% of their pay to the Islamic State. The White House is not comfortable directing the Iraq government to stop this flow of funds because “people can’t starve.”

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The Strip: ISIS militants skimming hundreds of millions of dollars of US funds: “A Dilemma for US & Bagdhad”

The only two installments of my “weekly column” The Strip appeared almost a year ago! I guess I’ll call it an annual column and consider myself ahead of the game! In any case, The Strip is about getting to the meat of the matter and stripping out the propaganda from a particularly egregious mainstream media story. Yesterday, such an article appeared in The Wall Street Journal, begging me to give it The Strip. Here it is…

The Propaganda

The article titled, Militants in Iraq Siphon State Pay: Islamic State skims funds headed for government employees in occupied areas, creating a dilemma for U.S. and Baghdad, reports that the US is giving hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to the Iraq government and one of the things the Iraq government is spending its money on is cash payments to government employees operating in captive ISIS territory. One or two thousand ISIS militants holding the city of Mosul in Iraq are forcing government workers there to remit 30% of their pay to the Islamic State. The White House is not comfortable directing the Iraq government to stop this flow of funds because “people can’t starve.”

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LAST CHANCE TO STOP HB310…All you need to do is make a single phone call

From Garland Favorite of voterga.org… UPDATE: For live links and videos of the hearing, click here. The Senate Public Safety Committee passed the HB310 “Big Brother” bill late Monday afternoon over unanimous objections from the general public who testified during a grueling double session that was postponed after the first hour and resulted in all … Read more

What is THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SUPERVISION? Podcast of March 21, 2015 Show

Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Here are some links relevant to the show…. HB310 SB94 voterga.org Catherine Bernard Know Your Rights James Madison implied that it was paranoid to think Congress would use the general welfare clause to overstep its bounds. Do you think he should have been less trusting of all-powerful government to … Read more

How to Stop the Department of Community Supervision

Catherine Bernard is an attorney working to stop the GA legislature from establishing a Department of Community Supervision. To understand why, watch her ten minute video on the subject or check out her ten minute appearance at the hearing. To understand this bill better or to try to put it on hold, go to the … Read more