"I don't always drive a truck, but when I do…it's a Toyota Hilux."

~Every terrorist on Earth.
When the first picture of ISIS in a caravan of brand new matching Toyota trucks came out, I thought it looked a bit over-produced. The official story was – I kid you not – that 800 ISIS fighters overwhelmed 30,000 Iraqi soldiers who ran away leaving all their American equipment behind. I thought it was weird but I didn’t report on it because yes it was possible that ISIS stole these vehicles from the Iraqis. (No mention, however, that standard operating procedure is to destroy equipment falling into enemy hands if possible, no questions asked, no permission from Congress required. They could have droned them that week on the way to Yemen! But seriously, remember the outrage over Operation Fast & Furious – it’s not cool for people to murder innocents on your dime.)
As the months have gone on, however, I can’t help but wonder how the now 15,000 strong “ISIS force” is still fully supplied with arms, vehicles, fuel, ammunition, food and water, as well as having an organization so well-developed that it can take over oil production and banking like a sovereign nation, produce videos like Hollywood and push out social media like only David Axelrod has done before, not to mention cropping up fully entrenched in far flung places like Afghanistan and Libya.
So now I go back to the Toyotas. Why is it that every terrorist everywhere has these same Toyota Hilux trucks and why does the US seem to give them out like candy on Halloween? Today’s Wall Street Journal published the latest report of the US supplying Toyotas to radical Islamists:
“A team of four to six rebels will each be given a Toyota Hi-Lux pickup, outfitted with a machine gun, communications gear and Global Positioning System trackers enabling them to call in airstrikes.”  http://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-to-give-some-syria-rebels-ability-to-call-airstrikes-1424208053 Note, the “rebels” in that article are the radical Islamists who seeded and cooperated with ISIS. To wit, “According to one Free Syrian Army commander, the combining of forces with ISIS was needed in order to achieve ‘the greater good.’” http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2014/09/isis-army-parades-in-43-new-toyota-hilux-trucks-donated-by-us-taxpayers/ I’m sure they’re over that now, though, and would never use their new-found power to summon up the awesome might of the US Air Force not to attack ISIS but to target their real enemy–their reason for being–the internationally-recognized legitimate government of Syria.
Supplying the Syrian “rebels” with Toyota Hiluxes is nothing new, however.

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“I don’t always drive a truck, but when I do…it’s a Toyota Hilux.”

~Every terrorist on Earth.

When the first picture of ISIS in a caravan of brand new matching Toyota trucks came out, I thought it looked a bit over-produced. The official story was – I kid you not – that 800 ISIS fighters overwhelmed 30,000 Iraqi soldiers who ran away leaving all their American equipment behind. I thought it was weird but I didn’t report on it because yes it was possible that ISIS stole these vehicles from the Iraqis. (No mention, however, that standard operating procedure is to destroy equipment falling into enemy hands if possible, no questions asked, no permission from Congress required. They could have droned them that week on the way to Yemen! But seriously, remember the outrage over Operation Fast & Furious – it’s not cool for people to murder innocents on your dime.)

As the months have gone on, however, I can’t help but wonder how the now 15,000 strong “ISIS force” is still fully supplied with arms, vehicles, fuel, ammunition, food and water, as well as having an organization so well-developed that it can take over oil production and banking like a sovereign nation, produce videos like Hollywood and push out social media like only David Axelrod has done before, not to mention cropping up fully entrenched in far flung places like Afghanistan and Libya.

So now I go back to the Toyotas. Why is it that every terrorist everywhere has these same Toyota Hilux trucks and why does the US seem to give them out like candy on Halloween? Today’s Wall Street Journal published the latest report of the US supplying Toyotas to radical Islamists:

“A team of four to six rebels will each be given a Toyota Hi-Lux pickup, outfitted with a machine gun, communications gear and Global Positioning System trackers enabling them to call in airstrikes.”  http://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-to-give-some-syria-rebels-ability-to-call-airstrikes-1424208053 Note, the “rebels” in that article are the radical Islamists who seeded and cooperated with ISIS. To wit, “According to one Free Syrian Army commander, the combining of forces with ISIS was needed in order to achieve ‘the greater good.’” http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2014/09/isis-army-parades-in-43-new-toyota-hilux-trucks-donated-by-us-taxpayers/ I’m sure they’re over that now, though, and would never use their new-found power to summon up the awesome might of the US Air Force not to attack ISIS but to target their real enemy–their reason for being–the internationally-recognized legitimate government of Syria.

Supplying the Syrian “rebels” with Toyota Hiluxes is nothing new, however.

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Peace Prize Winner Politely Requests Limitless War: Podcast of February 14, 2015 Show

My show was really only an hour this week – I had a few minutes of intro before this podcast starts but you’re not really missing anything. I will get into this topic more deeply next week on my show at the regular time, Saturday 3-6PM ET on WSB. Check out the picture above. Do … Read more

What if ISIS isn't what it appears to be?

Update: I wrote this post before a Defense Intelligence Agency document was leaked showing that a “Salafist Principality” (ie, an Islamic State) on the border of Syria and Iraq is “exactly what we want” as an excuse to unseat Assad. This at least validates the fact that the West’s interest in Syria is to oust Assad not stem the tide of terrorism. I go one step further, however, and argue that this leak was a limited hangout the purpose of which was to counter rumors that we didn’t just allow the Islamic State to emerge, we created it! The links below support my argument.
Original Post: Here is a quick and dirty list of some articles I came across that cast doubt on the official narrative concerning ISIS. Many of these sources are not US mainstream media. If you are skeptical of any source that is not US MSM, I ask only this: never dismiss, always refute. That is, if you don’t want to believe it because you don’t know the source, that’s fine, but don’t just dismiss it, actually look at the story and evaluate the evidence and argue why it’s not convincing. Similarly, when faced with stories from the US MSM, don’t just accept them or give them the benefit of the doubt, evaluate them critically, look at the evidence and likewise argue why it is convincing. It takes a little extra time, but very quickly you will hone some serious “truth-dar” and you will be able to cull the plausible from the implausible in no time at all.
Here’s an opportunity to take this approach out for a spin. I haven’t gone over these articles with a fine-tooth comb, so maybe you can help me sort them out and separate the plausible from the implausible, and at the same time discover your inner truthdar! (I hope it goes without saying that I don’t have a position on these sites’ general conclusions on anything, I’m just interested in these specific reports, and even more narrowly, whether their facts warrant further investigation or not.)
Picture of John McCain with “the Caliph” Al Bagdhadi

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What if ISIS isn’t what it appears to be?

Update: I wrote this post before a Defense Intelligence Agency document was leaked showing that a “Salafist Principality” (ie, an Islamic State) on the border of Syria and Iraq is “exactly what we want” as an excuse to unseat Assad. This at least validates the fact that the West’s interest in Syria is to oust Assad not stem the tide of terrorism. I go one step further, however, and argue that this leak was a limited hangout the purpose of which was to counter rumors that we didn’t just allow the Islamic State to emerge, we created it! The links below support my argument.

Original Post: Here is a quick and dirty list of some articles I came across that cast doubt on the official narrative concerning ISIS. Many of these sources are not US mainstream media. If you are skeptical of any source that is not US MSM, I ask only this: never dismiss, always refute. That is, if you don’t want to believe it because you don’t know the source, that’s fine, but don’t just dismiss it, actually look at the story and evaluate the evidence and argue why it’s not convincing. Similarly, when faced with stories from the US MSM, don’t just accept them or give them the benefit of the doubt, evaluate them critically, look at the evidence and likewise argue why it is convincing. It takes a little extra time, but very quickly you will hone some serious “truth-dar” and you will be able to cull the plausible from the implausible in no time at all.

Here’s an opportunity to take this approach out for a spin. I haven’t gone over these articles with a fine-tooth comb, so maybe you can help me sort them out and separate the plausible from the implausible, and at the same time discover your inner truthdar! (I hope it goes without saying that I don’t have a position on these sites’ general conclusions on anything, I’m just interested in these specific reports, and even more narrowly, whether their facts warrant further investigation or not.)

Picture of John McCain with “the Caliph” Al Bagdhadi

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Now what do you think about Brian Williams' Snowden Interview?

Last year when Brian Williams interviewed Edward Snowden, I called it as a put-up job. The interview seemed scripted, not to mention how strange it was that Brian Williams copped a chat in Moscow with America’s Most Wanted. The number one argument I got against this was, “That would mean Brian Williams is lying!” Either … Read more

Now what do you think about Brian Williams’ Snowden Interview?

Last year when Brian Williams interviewed Edward Snowden, I called it as a put-up job. The interview seemed scripted, not to mention how strange it was that Brian Williams copped a chat in Moscow with America’s Most Wanted. The number one argument I got against this was, “That would mean Brian Williams is lying!” Either … Read more

Just added "The Saint Peter Test" to my glossary….

The Saint Peter Test is a phrase I coined to help judge whether we the people should consent to one of our government’s wars. Government authority to use violence derives 100% from the right to self-defense that we delegate to them. Given that it is a representative government, we have very nearly hands-on control over … Read more

Just added “The Saint Peter Test” to my glossary….

The Saint Peter Test is a phrase I coined to help judge whether we the people should consent to one of our government’s wars. Government authority to use violence derives 100% from the right to self-defense that we delegate to them. Given that it is a representative government, we have very nearly hands-on control over … Read more

Talk About "In A Nutshell!" The big picture in 75 seconds

This whole thing is worth watching – it’s great – but the BIG PICTURE is distilled down to 75 seconds from 11:34 to 12:49.* A note on political philosophy: From what I can tell by listening to these guys a number of times, they are socialists** who feel that the right role of government is … Read more