What is THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SUPERVISION? Podcast of March 21, 2015 Show

Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Here are some links relevant to the show…. HB310 SB94 voterga.org Catherine Bernard Know Your Rights James Madison implied that it was paranoid to think Congress would use the general welfare clause to overstep its bounds. Do you think he should have been less trusting of all-powerful government to … Read more

Big Expansion of Georgia Govt in Committee this week – Can you go to the hearing?

UPDATE ON HB310 & PODCAST: You killed no-knock raids! From Garland Favorite at VoterGA.org… HB310 has been assigned to the Public Safety Committee. It could be heard in a regular meeting as early as Wednesday at 1pm or even Tuesday at 1pm in a special committee meeting. We will not know the schedule until Monday … Read more