What's at the bottom of the rabbit hole? The Report from Iron Mountain. Podcast of June 7, 2014 Show

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This is a must read, full stop: The Report from Iron Mountain. (See also, “another update” below.)
Here’s the movie I watched in honor of DDay:
Here’s an article I wrote a few weeks ago that speaks to caller Kevin’s point: is the culture better now or worse?
Bewitched or Mad Men
Follow up: I just reviewed my podcast from the 50th anniversary of JFK’s assassination & without having heard of the Report from Iron Mountain at that point, I deduced that JFK saw real world peace on the horizon & concluded that THAT was why he was assassinated. I never would have guessed that a document existed that gave hard evidence to my surmise. It really is worth going back and listening to that JFK podcast if you haven’t heard it already. Here it is: CFR ==> CIA ==> JFK ==> Podcast of November 24, 2013 Show.
The author of The Report, Leonard Lewin, as well as the publisher, the great E.L. Doctorow, both claimed (years later) the book was a hoax–that instead of being on the non-fiction best-sellers list, it should have been on the fiction one…but after exhaustive research, I’ve concluded it was genuine. From the fact that Lyndon Johnson treated it as genuine to reports that 5,000 copies were bought by the US government and distributed internally, there are numerous reasons to believe it was the real article. However, the most compelling argument is that the august economist, historian, intellectual, etc., John Kenneth Galbraith, affirmed his involvement in the project in a book review of The Report published in The Chicago Tribune. You can find a digital copy of that (along with other interesting book reviews of the era) here. (h/t @freedomactradio)
The point has also been made that Lewin was an author of fiction similar to The Report. The only such book I could find by him, however, was Triage, published in the 1970s, years after The Report was released and around the time they started calling it a hoax. This may easily have been a sheep-dipping of Lewin to reverse engineer his background to match the cover-up story. 

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