You CANNOT make this stuff up!
Jeffrey Epstein’s former house manager, Alfredo Rodriguez, tried to sell Epstein’s “little black book” (the one with contact numbers for Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz, Donald Trump, Prince Andrew and others) to the attorneys of victims who objected to Epstein’s illegal plea deal instead of bringing the book to the (clearly compromised) government. For this crime, Rodriguez spent 18 months in prison–almost 50% more time than Epstein spent in a cushy cell with day-release privileges. In addition, an FBI agent posed as a “potential buyer,” which makes me think that Rodriguez was set up so he could be tucked away in jail and so the black book could be secured. As I read this article on Rodriguez and the black book: Here Is Pedophile Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s Little Black Book, I couldn’t help but wonder how this guy didn’t get himself killed! Almost immediately after this thought occurred to me, I read this line in the article:
Rodriguez, who spent 18 months in prison, died in December after a long illness and never spoke out about the address book, so the precise significance of the names he circled remains fuzzy.
Upon further investigation, I discovered that Rodriguez “claimed he needed [the book] as insurance against the businessman to protect his own life.”
Why does the media not cover this stuff? This is why, when someone like Edward Snowden–or Donald Trump for that matter–gets round the clock coverage, I wonder why. I can no longer accept the assumption that the media reports things against the establishment’s interest come what may. If that were the case, when this morning I asked my husband and my sister–both of whom keep up with “the news”–if either of them had ever heard of Jeffrey Epstein, they would not have both said, “No.”
Update (6/20/16): Lawsuit Accuses Trump of Raping a Minor
Update (8/12/16): I have heard suggestions recently that Epstein had intelligence connections and reports that he debriefed the girls he used as sex workers after they had encounters with high profile “guests.” Then I recalled reading that indeed Epstein is very high up in the power elite, being a member of both the Council on Foreign Relations and the Tri-lateral Commission. This rabbit hole is so deep, yet it will never get a light shined in it I fear. Here’s an oldie but a goody…
Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery
He’s pals with a passel of Nobel Prize–winning scientists, CEOs like Leslie Wexner of the Limited, socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, even Donald Trump. But it wasn’t until he flew Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, and Chris Tucker to Africa on his private Boeing 727 that the world began to wonder who he is.
One could understandingly consider you being quite selective or too tightly focused as you always throw in Trump’s name when you bring up Jeffrey Epstein’s little black book. Please let me help you expand your list of targets. The attached excerpt was taken from a “Palm Beach Daily News” article. You’ve previously expressed your interest in music. Are any of your favorite artists on this PARTIAL list?
“Other high-profile names in Epstein’s book include Special Envoy for Middle East Peace George Mitchell, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Barbara Walters, Alec Baldwin, Ralph Fiennes, George Hamilton, Dustin Hoffman, Kevin Spacey, Liz Hurley, Lauren Hutton, Janice Dickinson, Naomi Campbell, Christy Turlington, Henry Kissinger, Joan Rivers, Courtney Love, Mick Jagger, Cornelia Guest, Phil Collins, Itzhak Perlman, Simon LeBon, Charlie Rose, Richard Branson, playwright Candace Bushnell, designers Tom Ford and Vera Wang, soap opera actress Nadia Bjorlin and erotic film star Koo Stark, who once dated Prince Andrew.
Among the high-powered Palm Beachers listed in the money manager’s address book are Catherine and Fred Adler, Samantha and Serena Boardman, Jimmy and Jane Buffett, Pepe Fanjul, Conrad and Barbara Black, Gerry Goldsmith, Marjorie Gubelman, Dana Hammond, David Koch, Henry Kravis, Frayda and George Lindemann Sr., Bob and Todd Meister, Alfred Taubman, Stanley, Bea and Brett Tollman, and Martin Trust.”
For those interested, here’s the source for my above comment:
None of those people are running for president against Hillary Clinton. Like Romney being the only Republican in the country who did not have the moral high ground against Obama on his one big weakness, Obamacare, Trump does not occupy moral high ground when it comes to sexual propriety as so many Republicans need to have to get ahead in the party. I am tightly focused on people whose names are in the news all day every day as top contenders for the presidency. I can understand the media putting the scandal below the fold if the people in your list were the only ones involved, but they are ignoring it completely even though BOTH presidential contenders are directly linked to it. I smell a rat.
Perhaps I’m going to show some ignorance here, but I don’t understand why you suggest “…Trump does not occupy moral high ground when it comes to sexual propriety…”. Divorce has always been very, very sad to me, and of course Trump is on his third marriage. Are you suggesting the two divorces remove him from the ‘moral high ground’? What if it was the two women who led to the divorces, not Trump? Rich men (and rich women) are subject to seduction and setup by “gold diggers”. And separately, Trump is an alpha male, not a homosexual, and he acts accordingly. That is how God designed the male. And the female understands this and is the seductress.
But I think this “Epstein matter” should be fully exposed, including all those who would have broken laws. And accountability should be extracted. My beef is tarring the innocent! I really don’t think you are being fair to Trump here. But as I’ve stated before, I always want the truth, where ever that leads me.
I would like to be able to make this statement: “Trump is a moral person and a faithful husband who has refused to associate with sexual predators and those who engage in corrupt campaign practices.” My husband and father would be considered alpha males and I could make that statement unequivocally about them. I believe I could make that statement about you too, but I can’t, in truth, make it about Trump. I bring up Trump’s name in relation to the Epstein case because it’s relevant. I’m interested in the Epstein case primarily because Bill Clinton would no doubt abuse his residency in the White House again if he could, arguably with underage girls, but I am certainly never going to leave out relevant facts for a political agenda (the way the WSJ left out Epstein from their story on Starr).
If I were interested in slamming Trump, I could shift my focus to him and go into his associations in New York and Atlantic City and the deeply corrupt construction and casino businesses in those places, or trace his family business’s nefarious practices back to the legal improprieties and federal housing scams of his father–not that a son is guilty of the crimes of his father, but in case one thinks Trump is a victim of circumstances or must make his way in a corrupt world, the story seems to be that he learned from his father (and Roy Cohn by the way) how to milk the system for all it’s worth even to the extent that the elder Trump grossly abused the FHA program for WWII veterans as a foundational pillar of his business. (Here is the story online, but I first read about it in the 2005 book TrumpNation.)
So far I have had no desire to shift my focus to Trump because I don’t actually have a chip on my shoulder about him, but I must say, the more I am prompted to peel the onion, the more intriguing I find the layers to be….
Hugh, Trump should be investigated just like Clinton. And so should everyone else listed. Are they all guilty of something? Probably not. But odds are that they aren’t all innocent either. Otherwise Epstein wouldn’t have gotten that non-prosecution of “co-conspirators” clause included in the deal he cut with the government. Epstein didn’t hide from his friends that he liked underage girls. It was known in his circles. You don’t tarnish the innocent by demanding that something shady about them be investigated. You do however, protect the guilty by refusing to investigate something you don’t want to believe is true. That’s exactly why Jimmy Savile was free to sexually abuse hundreds of victims in the UK for 50 years. Despite accusers coming forward, he was protected by the media, the police, government officials, and by a population who refused to believe that such a beloved and charming public figure could be a monster. His accusers were shamed, bullied, and written off as crazy or gold diggers. Trump is running for President.
Rodriguez circled his name as someone who could potentially be a material witness. That alone is reason enough to demand answers about his ties to Epstein. And Clinton, well he shouldn’t be allowed within 1,000 feet of a school zone….it’s disturbingly ironic that he so often is invited to speak at them instead. Clearing their names, wiping away the filth of being associated with a pedophile, is something both Clinton and Trump should be eager to do any way. If someone lived in my neighborhood who had the kind of ties to a convicted pedophile that these guys do…..everyone else would call the cops or move out. They wouldnt trip over themselves to get to see them in person and get a chance to shake their hands. Yet that’s what do with criminals in suits. We idolize them and ignore any evidence that threatens to shatter the unrealistic, angelic image of them we have in our heads. The general population would in no way be ok with the fact that a neighborhood of theirs had associations with a convicted pedophile……especially if no real questions were being asked….they’d be outraged. We need to treat these people like the regular humans they are and hold them accountable just like we would anyone else. The media won’t do it. The media is not for us, it never has been. The news media since the first newspaper has always been a tool of control for the government. That’s why it was created. It’s up to us to be critical of even the candidates we like. Because we like them we are more vulnerable to their manipulation tactics if we are wrong. By not critically analyzing the propaganda of every candidate we are giving these politicians the freedom to do whatever the hell the want without question while they turn us against each other with blatant divide and conquer tactics.
I agree with your entire post! My main point was there were many, many names in that little book, and I thought it unfair to just throw in Trump’s names with those that are probably guilty. But again, I agree with your post. It was excellent!
So, a person isn’t in control of his behavior because he’s male? And it’s God’s fault? I beg to differ. I was married for 15 years and had plenty of opportunities to cheat, and I never did, and any man who says he’s a victim of God or nature when he sleeps with multiple women, including other men’s wives, is a complete piece of shit. Not because he made a mistake, or he’s such a manly man. No. A real man is one who makes a promise and keeps it, who doesn’t turn his back on his friends, who thinks about his wife and children when he’s tempted or when things aren’t going his way. I, like my Father before me, were men, and I resent being lumped in with a shitbird like Trump, He isn’t a man. He’s a boy. He’s a 70 year old who never learned to be a man. However, he is the kind of lying, cheating scoundrel that some people admire. Those people deserve him, and I hope they get him.
I too have asked a lot of people what they know about the Jeffrey Epstein situation. I have yet to find one who was aware that Virginia Roberts was reportedly recruited at Mar-a-Lago. Very few people know anything at all about Trump’s connections to Jeffrey Epstein.
Here’s my take on the situation.
Virginia Roberts told the court that in 1999, at age 15, she was recruited at Trump’s palatial residence and private club, Mar-a-Lago, to perform massages on pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Sky Roberts, father of Virginia, reportedly worked for Trump at Mar-a-Lago at the time as a maintenance manager. Virginia Roberts reportedly was employed there at the time as well, working as a $9/hour locker room attendant.
Here are three sources that reported on this. (Tuesday, March 1, 2011) (This is from the local news media, and from a point in time long before anyone considered Trump a viable candidate) (Thursday, January 8, 2015) (Friday, January 29, 2016)
About three years after the reported recruitment at Mar-a-Lago, New York Magazine reported the following regarding Trump’s view of Epstein.
“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York magazine in a 2002 profile of Epstein written three years before Epstein began to be investigated. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”.
We need to know:
– whether Trump did in fact make this statement.
– whether Virginia Roberts really worked as a locker room attendant at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago.
– whether her father worked for Trump at Mar-a-Lago.
– whether Trump was aware of minor female locker room attendants performing massages on his Mar-a-Lago guests.
– whether Jeffrey Epstein was banned from Mar-a-Lago by Trump and if so, when and under what circumstances.
– when and how Trump became aware of Epstein’s proclivities.
– when and how Trump became aware of the Virginia Roberts situation.
– whether Trump was aware of involvement on the part of Ghislaine Maxwell and if so, how he handled it.
Perhaps you could consider discussing this issue with Palm Beach Daily News reporter Michele Dargan. She’s covered the case in depth as it’s unfolded and appears to have extensive access to the related court documents.
Trump’s Mar-a-Lago, shown below, is 1.1 miles as the crow flies from Epstein’s Palm Beach residence, where many of the sex crimes involving dozens of underage girls occurred.
A map is available here.,+Palm+Beach,+FL/Mar-a-Lago-Club,+1100+S+Ocean+Blvd,+Palm+Beach,+FL+33480/@26.6853342,-80.0449069,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x88d8d6ef625971d9:0xa4cfccf6b94f4c86!2m2!1d-80.038629!2d26.693347!1m5!1m1!1s0x88d8d71e9a5c409d:0x71bb1222105e5650!2m2!1d-80.0369802!2d26.6770665
One of the related police reports is available here.
The alleged recruiting was done by Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of disgraced British media tycoon Robert Maxwell. (There’s A LOT to the Robert Maxwell story. Consider Mordechai Vanunu, Israeli Nuclear Weapons secrets, Ari Ben-Menashe, Maxwell’s Death)
Ghislaine Maxwell fled the US just before a scheduled deposition in the Epstein/Roberts case, claiming she had to care for her ailing mother in the UK. Yet she attended Chelsea Clinton’s wedding a month later. Ghislaine Maxwell runs the environmental TerraMar Project, which is sponsored by the Clinton Foundation.
Two of Epstein’s victims allege that their rights were violated when they weren’t sufficiently informed about the highly unusual plea deal and non-prosecution agreement that were unethically agreed upon by Epstein’s attorneys and the prosecution. This agreement led to a disturbingly light sentence for Epstein and an agreement that none of the co-conspirators would be prosecuted. If this case goes to trial, it opens up the possibility that Bill Clinton and other powerful people associated with the case as co-conspirators or material witnesses will be forced to testify later this year. The settlement hearing was originally scheduled for May 23 but has been rescheduled for June 28. (The press needs to get on this now.)
To say that the Supreme Court is so important that we can’t vet our candidates is not justifiable when the stakes involve potential SERIOUS criminal behavior. According to Weekly Standard Online Editor Daniel Halper, Israel has already employed blackmail in an attempt to secure the release of Israeli Spy Jonathan Pollard, using intercepted phone sex communication between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. (Among other things, Pollard provided the NSA’s 10 volume signals intelligence gathering manual to Israel.) It’s totally unacceptable that an uninformed electorate be allowed to elect a president who is closely tied to Epstein’s child sex slave ring. Furthermore, the threat of a pedophilia scandal could leave our country vulnerable to serious blackmail and/or an impeachment crisis.
Both of the presumptive nominees are unfit for office. There’s a crisis of integrity among our ruling class. If we still have a functional democracy in this country, we need to use it to solve this problem. Please give these issues careful consideration. This election needs to be about integrity.
In case there’s any question that Virginia Roberts really said she was recruited at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago to become a sex slave to Jeffrey Epstein, the US District Court motion in which this is stated is available here. It’s the last document, number 1, at the end of the page. Please see page 5.
Again, about three years after the reported recruitment at Mar-a-Lago, New York Magazine reported the following regarding Trump’s view of Epstein.
“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York magazine in a 2002 profile of Epstein written three years before Epstein began to be investigated. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”.
In the motion, Virginia Roberts said she was recruited by Ghislaine Maxwell, the daughter of disgraced media tycoon Robert Maxwell. Ghislaine (pronounced gih-len) Maxwell attended Chelsea Clinton’s wedding and is the founder of the TerraMar Project, which is currently listed on the Clinton Foundation’s website. (Ghislaine Maxwell representing the TerraMar project)
As the media discounts the viability of a third party run, please consider that the need for and viability of such a run is HIGHLY dependent on the willingness of the media and the courts to investigate this issue thoroughly and bring it to the attention of the American people.
What about the Mexican judge thing? A judge rules against Trump’s clown college and now it’s because the judge is Mexican? Wasn’t Trump supposed to be cool with legal, USA born people? After all, the judge was born in Indiana. I’m sorry, but I no longer think Trump is a fake candidate. I’ve seen too many of these kinds growing up here in Georgia. This is how the old dixiecrats and closet klan used to talk. I hope all the trumpsters get their way though. They deserve him. I advise not crossing him though, he might call you a Mexican-lover.