I was adding “lone nut” / “crazy” and coincidence to my list of official narrative excuses that get my alarm bells ringing and I came upon this article written by Murray Rothbard in 1972! Change the examples, and it could have been written today.
Source: Why Is It Always a Lone Nut?
Episodic Revelation and The ‘Lone Nut’ Syndrome
“One can observe a process of episodic revelation repeated time and again in the notorious “lone nut” assassin series (in masonry it is known as the “Three Unworthy Craftsmen”): the assassination of JFK by “lone nut” Lee Harvey Oswald; the assassination of Martin Luther King by “lone nut” James Earl Ray and the assassination of Robert Kennedy by “lone nut” Sirhan Sirhan. In each case, at the time of the murders, both the media and police officials conspired to present a united and seemingly infallible solution to these crimes centering on allegedly iron-clad and irrefutable evidence that Oswald, Ray or Sirhan were the sole perpetrators of these electrifying crimes which galvanized a nation.
“Then, in accordance with the clockwork script, 5, 10, or 15 years later, after the trail is hopelessly cold and highly obscured, a spate of tightly documented and well-researched books and films emerge which turn our heads 180 degrees in the opposite direction: now we are shown a mass of evidence proving that the cops and the media had to be either idiots or co-conspirators to have ever believed that these spectacular hits were one man operations.
“We learn that Oswald was a scapegoat, Ray a patsy and Sirhan an OTO cultist. And we learn of their accomplices.
“If you carefully study this scenario what you’ll discover is astonishing. You’ll find that the after-the-fact revelations are as much a part of the assassination plot as the murder and its initial cover-up. It’s a deliberate psychological process they’re taking us through, a psychodrama of enormous scale, though not really different from the principle behind the anonymous circulation of the Rosicrucian manifestos of the I7th century, with their mocking hints of identity.
“This Process surfaces in many other “lone nut serial murders” as well. In the Son of Sam case we saw Berkowitz infallibly presented by the establishment media and police as the person solely responsible, in spite of massive evidence of which the national media and New York police were very well aware, making it impossible for Berkowitz to have been the triggerman in more than half of the killings.
“In 1977-78, seeing this familiar repeat of a grotesque pattern, I wrote dozens of letters to media agencies pointing out the huge gaps in information surrounding the case. I received no meaningful response from any of them at the time.
“Simplistic conspiracy researchers will nod their heads in recognition of the duplicity involved here, while missing the point about the one-two punch repeatedly conveyed in these highly symbolical murders, which transmit alchemical cant language command phrases and trigger-words over the airwaves and into the news racks.
“One: the ritual murders are successfully accomplished. The principals get-away, the scapegoat conveniently takes the blame.
“Two: later we learn the truth but no one is prosecuted. We are mocked, disoriented and demoralized. Occult prestige and potency is heightened.
“This is what simplistic researchers miss: the function of macabre arrogance thumbing its nose at us while we do nothing except spread the tale of their immunity and invincibility further. That is the game plan operant here.
“To the belief system of the modern man it sounds too crazy. Why would the perpetrators want their secrets revealed after the fact—even if it is years later? This question can only be definitively answered if one has an understanding of the Zeitgeist which overseers in the cryptocracy have partly manufactured and partly tailored their own operations to coincide with.
“As I’ve pointed out, secrets like this were rarely revealed in the past because traditional people had not yet completed the alchemical processing. To make such perverse, modern revelations to an unprocessed, healthy and vigorous population possessed of will, memory, adherence to their deepest inner intuition and intense interest in their own salvation, would not have been a good thing for the cryptocracy. It would have proved fatal to them.
“But to reveal these after-the-act secrets in our modern time, to a people who have no memory, no will-power and no interest in their own fate except in so far as it may serve as momentary titillation and entertainment actually strengthens the enslavement of such a people.”
Source: “” Michael A.Hoffman II, “Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare” (page 88)
One thing that jumped out at me reading Rothbard’s article is how memoryless we have become. Fascinating quote.
At least in modern times, they tell us what they’re going to do in advance and revel in rubbing our noses in it afterwards.
I’d love to be able to spoil their game (did you get that, NSA? I said I’d love to be able to spoil their game!) but the best we can do is speed up the awakening so that mankind shrugs these parasites free en Masse.