From the article below:
Everything we find out makes it look worse and worse,” said one official. “We’ve been very lucky so far, but at some point that is going to end and it’s going to be very difficult (to explain) because everyone knows” how dangerous the shipments are….so far, there have been no cargo fires aboard passenger airlines attributed to lithium batteries.
MH370 had 200kg of lithium batteries as cargo…I still contend that plane went down the moment it lost contact almost a year ago to the day – this new finding adds to the mounting evidence of a more plausible alternative to the official narrative…For the rest of the evidence check out my investigation…Cracking the Code on MH370. (I still get emails saying, “You said from the beginning they would never find that plane in the Indian Ocean – how did you know?” I knew because there was ample reason to believe it blew up in the air at 1:20am – the same moment it lost contact. There were a few possible causes – US warships doing exercises in the area and lithium batteries in the cargo hold were two of them.)
Airlines stop accepting rechargeable battery shipments
The Associated Press
I can only assume that someone didn’t wish the airplane to be found.
THAT is the mystery!!!