1 thought on “Dissecting the 14th Amendment with Eric Buchanan, a Divemaster Interview”

  1. I must disagree with your guest that slavery may have been prolonged had we lost the revolution because the British ended slavery before we did; also, it says in the constitution that the president may call up the militia to enforce federal law. An act the congress was passed prohibiting the military from enforcing federal law, but I believe this act to be unconstitutional; people would probably use this act, please forgive me for forgetting the name of the act, to justify the justice department. Shane Hazel also exempts the marshals as agents of the court, but I see no reason why the militia can’t act as agents of the court under the presidential authority to call them up in order to enforce federal law. Lastly, I would like to mention that laws prohibiting blacks from bearing arms precede reconstruction; in fact, they are the oldest of all gun – control laws, preceding the constitution. That’s why I’m inclined to see all gun – control laws as inherently racist in nature…

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