Hour 1
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Hour 2
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Hour 3 Audio Player
Click on the links below to follow up on some of the references I made during the show…
Ever hear of DRACO? It cures the cold, the flu AND EBOLA!
(with emphasis on development of leaders)…aka the Lansdale Stilwell Report, reputed to be one of the most influential military documents in modern history. This is the framework for shifting the military from a defense organization to a mechanism to shape countries from within politically.
Scientist calls for death to humanity….the crazy story of the much celebrated Dr. Eric Pianka calling for an aerosol Ebola to kill 95% of humanity! This article is corroborated by other people attending the speech.
Jon Rappoport’s article What are US biowar researchers doing in the Ebola zone? about Tulane University doing bioweapons research on Ebola in January 2014.
The must read: Report from Iron Mountain
Webster Tarpley’s Unauthorized Biography of Barack Obama
Armed Men Allegedly Poison New Georgia Well from The Liberian Observer
Formaldeyde in Water Allegedly Causing Ebola-like Symptoms from The Liberian Observer
Here’s a poignant video…
Dang Monica, This email is a little late isn’t it ? Today’s the 29th.