ZIKAgenda Unfolding on Schedule…

Another picture of Baby Daniel.

From the first Zika articles, the dots were easy to connect if you were looking for them:

Zika virus…Catholic countries…severe birth defects…birth control…abortion…

But maybe you haven’t yet noticed that every single thing in the mega-mainstream media like The Wall Street Journal is there for a reason and that reason is not to inform you but rather to manipulate you. If you haven’t gotten there yet (though I’m guessing you’re pretty close!), you might not read every article with an eye to what the manipulation is. Once you see the pattern, however, you can’t help but play my little newspaper-reading game: What’s the Agenda?

So if you were actually looking for the ZIKAgenda, you probably would have found it, and if you weren’t, you could have found it in my article on the subject back in February: ZIKAgenda. (This article is still worth a quick read.)

It took six months but at last, the ZIKAgenda is stated in no uncertain terms in Monday’s Wall Street Journal

Zika Virus Spread Renews Focus on Abortion Debate
Some Southern states, most vulnerable to spread of the virus, tighten restrictions

The renewed debate leapfrogs the questions of birth control and abortion in Catholic countries, which I highlighted in my February article, and gets right to pushing the envelope here at home focusing on late-term abortion:

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To Vax or Not To Vax? Podcast of April 21, 2016 Show

Hour 1 Hour 2 This was the article by Dr. Don Miller about childhood diseases and cancer-resistance that I found interesting: MMR Vaccine: Risks & Benefits Here’s the book about the youngest person with narcolepsy, which resulted from an additive in a UK vaccine: Waking Mathilda   And for a swan dive into the rabbit … Read more


zikaAs the mother of a child with Down syndrome, I recall learning that very few agents are confirmed to cause birth defects. That made me interested when Zika was cited as the cause of microcephaly. (As did the fact that I met an anencephalic baby once and the doctors didn’t know what caused it. They encouraged the parents to have more children and the next child, tragically, was also born anencephalic.)  Then, when I noticed that many of the pictures I saw in the news reports of the “thousands” of cases of Brazilian microcephaly were actually of the same baby (“Daniel”), I started to dig into the Zika virus scare. As I dug in, I discovered that the 4,000 cases were more like 400 cases and only 17 were found to be even potentially related to Zika. I further discovered that 25,000 cases of microcephaly occur in the US annually where there are no reported cases of a Zika relationship. Just comparing the relative population sizes of Brazil and the US, by this measure, Brazil should have 14,000 cases of microcephaly even without Zika, yet it has nowhere near that number.

I started to wonder what the agenda might be of panicking people unjustly over Zika-related birth defects when I saw this: Obama asks for $1.8 billion in emergency Zika funding. Given that there has been maybe one case of Zika in the US (despite the CDC assigning Zika Level 1 status–a status only issued by the CDC thrice before, for Katrina, ebola & swine flu), I found this curious. What would the money be used for?

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Proof! It IS a Set-Up! Kaci Hickox is a CDC “Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer”

Natural News reports that Kaci Hickox, the defiant nurse who won’t abide by the most reasonable safety measures since her alleged return from treating Ebola patients in West Africa, was recruited by the CDC just two years ago as an “Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer!” I take reports of any kind, from the mainstream media to … Read more

Proof! It IS a Set-Up! Kaci Hickox is a CDC "Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer"

Natural News reports that Kaci Hickox, the defiant nurse who won’t abide by the most reasonable safety measures since her alleged return from treating Ebola patients in West Africa, was recruited by the CDC just two years ago as an “Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer!” I take reports of any kind, from the mainstream media to … Read more

Libertarians Beware! It’s a Set-Up!

I’ve been noticing something lately that worries me, and to make matters worse, I think I might be on the other side of this one from my hero Ron Paul and even the great Murray Rothbard! Disagreeing with Ron Paul doesn’t worry me – I disagree with him from time to time – he’s my hero more because he has the courage of his convictions than because I share those convictions (though I usually do), but disagreeing with Murray Rothbard is a much bigger deal for an anarcho-capitalist!

Fortunately, the disagreement is about tactics more than principles, but still it worries me. Rothbard and Paul both tend toward the “take what you can get” approach to political gain, and I’m not one to refuse libertarian inroads anywhere I can find them, but I do feel that an eyes-wide-open attitude is increasingly in order and events unfolding as I write are about to demonstrate exactly what we libertarians need to keep our eyes open to. The powers that be are picking and choosing our liberties for us not as a compromise but as a trap—a trap not only to play into their hands to increase power at the top, but even worse, to make libertarian principles look utopian and irresponsible. Here are a few examples…

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Be Afraid! Be Very Afraid! Ebola’s Gonna Get You! Podcast of October 25, 2014 Show

Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Click on the links below to follow up on some of the references I made during the show… Ever hear of DRACO? It cures the cold, the flu AND EBOLA! TRAINING UNDER THE MUTUAL SECURITY PROGRAM (with emphasis on development of leaders)…aka the Lansdale Stilwell Report, reputed to be … Read more

Be Afraid! Be Very Afraid! Ebola's Gonna Get You! Podcast of October 25, 2014 Show

Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Click on the links below to follow up on some of the references I made during the show… Ever hear of DRACO? It cures the cold, the flu AND EBOLA! TRAINING UNDER THE MUTUAL SECURITY PROGRAM (with emphasis on development of leaders)…aka the Lansdale Stilwell Report, reputed to be … Read more