2 thoughts on “Buddy Dive: Monica Perez on Counterflow with Buck Johnson”

  1. A pleasant update over a year later is Mr. Musk is flying a constellation of satellites that is going to make it easier to obtain internet service in rural, although its initial cost is probably to prohibitive for most; as will most things, the price will eventually come down so that it will give even those of us who live in urban areas an alternative to the cable provider / telephone company monopoly. I slick believe they pay landlords to require that no satellite dishes may be erected on their property, and make sure not to compete with each other’s area

    • A pleasant update over a year later is that Mr. Musk is flying a constellation of satellites that is going to make it easier to obtain internet service in rural areas, although its initial cost is probably too prohibitive for most; as with most things, the price will eventually come down so that it will give even those of us who live in urban areas an alternative to the cable / telephone monopoly. I slick believe they pay landlords to require that no satellite dishes may be erected on their property, and make sure not to compete with each other’s territory

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