Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee’s Interesting Past

Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee Merrick Garland “held a top-ranking post in the Justice Department when he was dispatched to Oklahoma City the day after the bombing at the federal courthouse to supervise the investigation. The case made his reputation. He oversaw the convictions of Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, and later supervised the investigation into … Read more

It’s been 2 years to the day since MH370 disappeared…

I still think it went down immediately and didn’t fly around for hours…here is my analysis from that time & I still think it’s the best explanation regardless of what they say they found and where they say they found it a year or two later… Cracking the Code on Malaysia Flight 370

A New Oil Paradigm Emerging?

Ever since a Russian jet went down over Egypt under suspicious circumstances and Russia, to the surprise of many, “confirmed” that it was “unequivocally a terrorist attack,” I have been convinced that Putin is no outsider to the New World Order. I was close to convinced already as it seemed there were some behind-the-scenes maneuverings … Read more


During the debate last night, my husband (who was traveling) texted me, “Cruz and Rubio don’t get that by relentlessly attacking Trump they’re making him a sympathetic character and America loves the underdog. It creates an irony of the front-runner being the guy you feel sorry for.” At around the same time, my ten-year-old son … Read more

“A Cautionary Tale” Courtesy of “Decent Conservatives”

As I laid out in this week’s show, my fear is that Donald Trump, who is not being vetted by the Republican primary process–at least not before it’s too late, will be thoroughly vetted by the Clinton Machine. The result could well be both a Hillary presidency and an object lesson in straying from the … Read more