What Is Really Going On in Iran?

There is an article in today’s Wall Street Journal titled The Mortal Threat from Iran, by Mark Helprin, which begins with this line: “To assume that Iran will not close the Strait of Hormuz is to assume that primitive religious fanatics will perform cost-benefit analyses the way they are done at Wharton.” If that didn’t get my propagan-dar pinging, nothing would. Dehumanizing the target and terrifying us with death threats are classic earmarks of war propaganda. Given that not a single dissenting voice on this issue can be heard from the mainstream media–the left-dominated TV arm and the right-dominated radio arm–one wonders why the Wall Street Journal is coming out so strongly on this. I mean, of course this country of 70 million people is working to develop a bomb they will gleefully pop off at Israel so they can cheer wildly as they watch 300 missiles rain down on themselves in retaliation–they are irrational, primitive, religious fanatics, after all, every one of whom would love to commit suicide as soon as possible. Why even bother pounding the drums, let’s just wipe them off the face of the earth and be done with it already. Oh, but what is that kooky Ron Paul always on about? “Maybe there are people over there” or some such nonsense–hmm. I know it’s a silly waste of time, but before I paint my face and grab a flag, I just want to see if there’s any possible explanation for Ron Paul’s weird position. (I mean, what kind of freak applies the Golden Rule to foreigners anyway?)
So, just for giggles, I went to Foreign Policy Journal online for an alternative viewpoint on the subject and I found one from none other than the always outspoken and never politically correct Paul Craig Roberts. This is it:
The Next War on Washington’s Agenda
by Paul Craig Roberts
Only the blind do not see that the US government is preparing to attack Iran. According to Professor Michel Chossudovsky, “Active war preparations directed against Iran (with the involvement of Israel and NATO) were initiated in May 2003.”
Washington has deployed missiles directed at Iran in its oil emirate puppet states, Oman and the UAE, and little doubt in the other US puppet states in the Middle East. Washington has beefed up Saudi Arabia’s jet fighter force. Most recently, Washington has deployed 9,000 US troops to Israel to participate in “war games” designed to test the US/Israeli air defense system. As Iran represents no threat unless attacked, Washington’s war preparations signal Washington’s intention to attack Iran.

Continue reading this article at Foreign Policy Journal.
For another view, watch Col. Shaffer on Freedomwatch:

Ron Paul Highlights from South Carolina Debate–and Fox Busted for Being Insanely Biased Against Ron Paul!

Ă…nd here Fox News busted as insanely biased against Ron Paul: “Ron Paul. Ron Paul way above the line. Ron Paul always tends to do well in these twitter surveys. They are not scientific, they are people voting for their favorite candidate sometimes, at other times they are a good measure of what’s being said.” How do these guys decide when it is a good measure and when it’s not? It is crystal clear the “reporter” is saying that when Ron Paul comes out ahead, it’s not a good measure but when someone else does well it is a good measure. At least this guy is busted by a fellow reporter who must have been inundated with twitter-rage!

What's Worse: Lying & Killing or Not Recycling & Being Lazy? Government is Upside Down as Usual….

Have you ever noticed how horrible government ads are? Meth billboards with bloody sputum, miserable overweight kids designed to sicken moms? These ads might not be tolerated on the grounds of decency, verity or good taste from the private sector, but the government is held to lower standards. I have long been horrified by the upside down priorities of government, not to mention that government efforts to control behavior often backfire. Prohibition led to a 400% INCREASE in alcohol consumption in the United States. Currently, the Drug War takes far more lives than illegal drugs themselves. 45,000 people have died in the US-exported Mexican Drug War over the past six years, while only 4,500 people die of illegal drug use in the US annually. (This contrasts with 15,000 deaths per year in the US from prescription painkillers–see my article on this.)
This latest ad from government not only offends the sensibilities, it attempts to redefine morality: It’s cute to lie to your kids for a good cause, and what cause could be better than Michelle Obama’s War Against Obesity. Check it out…
Karen Singer Avrech on Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government blog articulates well her disgust with this sort of thing. If you want to read her brief article, click here.
This recent example reminded me of a disgusting commercial I saw in LA when I lived there a few years ago. I have a good sense of humor and this is supposed to be funny but I couldn’t crack a smile as this aired on my toddler’s show, Animal Atlas.

Ron Paul Speaks: "Predictions In Due Time" and "What If?"


“I’m RACIST for criticizing Obama, a TERRORIST because I’m against the Bush wars, ANTISEMITIC for not supporting Israel unconditionally, a TEABAGGER for supporting the Constitution, a TRUTHER for asking unanswered questions, a TRAITOR for whistle-blowing on my corrupt government atrocities, a CONSPIRACY THEORIST for presenting documented facts, a TROLL for uploading news, videos, and quotes, and ANTI-AMERICAN for supporting a Constitutionalist like Dr. Ron Paul.”
–YouTube Comment

Ron Paul Video: "Ron Paul shames Santorum & Bachmann with Biblical argument of a Just War"

Here is a concise and lucid overview of the moral and legal bases of Ron Paul’s foreign policy position. (It really does look like Bachman and Santorum are passing notes to each other–probably saying something like, “Holy Crap! This guy actually BELIEVES this Bible stuff!”)

Here’s another video that may help correct some misperceptions of Ron Paul and his foreign policy.