Paul Ryan Is Just Another Establishment Neo-Con…

Despite all the histrionics coming from the Republican Party, Paul Ryan doesn’t bridge the gaps between Neo-conservatives, Tea Partiers & Libertarians. I even suspect the big story, “Kevin McCarthy’s Benghazi gaffe roils House speaker race,” was deliberately rolled out by the Establishment to position Paul Ryan as a reluctant hero who can make extraordinary demands … Read more

Emailgate: The only 2 things I find interesting about Hillary’s emails…

Apparently, Hillary is coming under pressure for using a (kind of) personal email account for State Department business. Given that David Petraeus, the HEAD OF THE CIA, used all the tricks in the book to keep his emails secret, yet they were splashed all over the front page of every newspaper in the country, as … Read more

Emailgate: The only 2 things I find interesting about Hillary's emails…

Apparently, Hillary is coming under pressure for using a (kind of) personal email account for State Department business. Given that David Petraeus, the HEAD OF THE CIA, used all the tricks in the book to keep his emails secret, yet they were splashed all over the front page of every newspaper in the country, as … Read more

The Strip: Getting to the Meat of the Matter

Here’s a pilot run for a new feature I’m considering that I’d call The Strip, in which I will take a story from the mainstream media and strip out the propaganda, political spin or neo-con nonsense and give you the truth or the real libertarian principles at the meat of the matter. What do you … Read more

Cliven Bundy & The Rule of Law

The Cliven Bundy saga reminds me of the Trayvon Martin case: it is a very squishy example of a very real problem. Because the facts of these cases could be interpreted either way, they divide the rank and file rather than uniting usĀ against the real enemy from above. In light of this, rather than the nuanced Bundy case, it would have been nicer to see the governmentĀ forced to back down on a cut-and-dried asset forfeiture in which property was permanently confiscated from someone never convicted of a crime (likeĀ Rudy Ramirez), or an eminent domain case in which the government seized private property for the benefit of a privateĀ developer (like in the case ofĀ Vera Coking).

Sometimes I think that political operators deliberately chooseĀ cases that arenā€™t clear-cut because rather than despite the fact that they will generate grassroots activism on both sides of the aisle. In order for this to work, the case must have merit and flaws on both sides of the argument.

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