Ep. 57 – McCain Scuttles Obamacare Reform, General Kelly In As COF, The Mooch, & Other Chaos

CLICK HERE, to listen to Episode 57 of the Propaganda Report Podcast Tuesday, August 1st, 2017 – McCain dramatically scuttles Obamacare reform, giving democrats and republicans what they both really wanted. Reince is out as White House Chief of Staff. General Kelly is in. The publicity tunt that was “The Mooch.” Are people inherently good or … Read more

Republican Voters DEMAND Infrastructure Spending!

Yeah, doesn’t sound right, does it? Well, whoever sets The Donald’s agenda has put this number one from the beginning. This was the only actual policy item DJT cited in his acceptance speech on election day and it’s likely the first (and maybe only) policy he will succeed in fully implementing.  That effort starts this … Read more

Ep. 44 – SOURCES – “Trust Us, We’re The Mainstream Media””

CLICK HERE To Listen To Episode 44 of the Propaganda Report Podcast CLICK HERE To Listen To Episode 44 of the Propaganda Report Podcast Thursday, June 1st, 2017 – The mainstream media claims that their anonymous sources are credible, and that the anonymous sources of anyone who disagrees with them are not credible. Make sense? Of course … Read more

Propaganda Report Mini: Totalitarianism to the Rescue!

Lots of propaganda and agenda in the news today – here’s one of the stories that caught my eye, where the propaganda is & what to watch out for #WTWOF … After pulling back on policing in inner cities and prompting the Ferguson Effect (which I predicted), Chicago is using this government-sponsored dereliction of duty, combined … Read more

#WTWOF Did he or didn’t he? Uncertainty over Russian conversation prompts calls for Oval Office tapes.

This is a picture from the Trump-Lavrov-Kislyak meeting last week. For some bizarre reason, US press was not admitted, but Russian press was. Great job on the optics White House! This sort of provocation isn’t incompetence, it’s a set-up. Maybe Trump promised Zucker continued drama, free content and great ratings for a chance at the … Read more

Ep. 29 Propaganda Report – Indivisible Guide: A Left-Wing Playbook for Disruption

CLICK HERE To Listen To Episode 29 of the Propaganda Report Podcast. Tuesday, February 28th, 2017. Anti-Trump protesters are disrupting Republican town hall meetings all over the country. The organization behind the movement is Indivisible, a group of former congressional staffers, who’ve given their followers a Saul Alinksy like playbook full of disruption tactics. Is this … Read more

Why Is Youtube Suppressing The View Count On This Video? ("Wear RED" says Communist Organizers of Upcoming Women's Strike Event)

Maybe there is another explanation but Youtube seems to be suppressing the view count on this video. Multiple people have watched from multiple accounts, over the course of the past few days and the count barely budges. I have no idea why they would suppress the view count on a channel that has barely over … Read more

A rabbit hole too far?

I’m going to say this is too far down the rabbit hole, but what if the Oscars mix-up was a psyop with symbolic meaning? Here are the dots I could connect, but then I really would have to put on a tin-foil  hat, so let’s just keep it in the realm of the theoretical and … Read more