Fake News Awards Nomination – CNN for Blatantly Biased Liberal Listicles (With 16 Examples!)

President Trump recently tweeted that he’d be announcing the winners of the Fake News Awards this upcoming Monday.
With a few days left before the big day, I’d like to nominate CNN for the prestigious ‘Anti-Trump Listicles” award. Or if that’s too specific, we can put them in the ‘Blatantly Biased Liberal Listicles’ category with BuzzFeed.
Here’s why I believe they deserve the honor. CNN routinely features formulaic listicle articles about Trump on their website’s homepage. These listicles are ALWAYS blatantly biased against Trump and they always only tell one, very skewed, side of the story. There’s anti-Trump bias built into their listicle formula. The basic formula goes like this, “The (insert number) most (insert negatively framed adjective) lines from/in Trump’s (insert setting which statements were made)” 
For example, The 47 most outrageous lines in Donald Trump’s New York Times interview
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(15 outrageously similar CNN headlines about Trump just below!)

With a pre-determined negative frame set, they can then just scan through whatever Trump speech or interview they’re covering, pluck out the easiest to spin statements, and then plug them right into their list, completely void of context of course. The rest of the speech or interview might as well have never happened because anything that undermines the negative spin is ignored or marginalized.
That’s it. That’s how CNN, “The Most Trusted Name In News” operates. It doesn’t matter a bit what Trump says in context, CNN’s reporting on his statements WILL ALWAYS BE FRAMED NEGATIVELY. Trump could read a page from The Little Engine That Could to a classroom of pre-schoolers and CNN’s headline would be, “The 7 Most SHOCKING lines from Trump’s hyper-politicized rant at children.”
The guy who writes most of these things, CNN Editor-At-Large Chris Cillizza, either has a bad Trump triggered thyroid problem, or he doesn’t think his audience is wise enough to question the credibility of a “journalist” who is so frequently shocked by Trump’s statements that the only words he can seem to find to describe them are “eye-popping.” The amount of times he uses this adjective in his anti-Trump headlines is well, eye-popping. Seriously, in 5 out of the 16 headlines below, this is his description of Trump’s statements. Everything can’t be eye-popping. If everything’s eye-popping, then nothing is.
Anyway, in support of my nomination I’ve included 16 listicle headlines published by CNN between the months of May, 2017 and this month, January, 2018. This should be more than enough to earn CNN a nomination for a fake award about fake news. While there are slight variations to the headline formula, you’ll be surprised at how closely they stick to the script.
Trump’s 41 most eye-popping lines from his Pensacola speech, December 9th, 2017
Screen Shot 2018-01-04 at 8.28.35 AM.pngThe 29 most eye-popping lines from Donald Trump’s press gaggle in Vietnam, November 11th, 2017
Screen Shot 2018-01-04 at 8.31.27 AM.pngThe 12 most eye-popping lines from Trump’s Air Force speech today, May 2nd, 2017
Screen Shot 2018-01-04 at 8.24.49 AM.pngPresident Trump’s 35 most eye-popping quotes in his interview with the New York Times, July 20th, 2017
Screen Shot 2018-01-04 at 8.26.13 AM.pngThe 35 most eye-popping quotes from Anthony Scaramucci’s CNN interview, July 27th, 2017 (Ok, I’ll give him this one. The Mooch’s interview was a bit eye-popping…..ly hilarious.)
Screen Shot 2018-01-04 at 8.36.06 AMThe 47 most outrageous lines in Donald Trump’s New York Times interview, December 30th, 2017
Screen Shot 2018-01-04 at 8.39.03 AM.pngDonald Trump’s 57 most outrageous quotes from his Arizona speech, August 23rd, 2017
Screen Shot 2018-01-04 at 8.39.34 AMThe 39 most eyebrow-raising Donald Trump quotes on Thursday alone, August 11th, 2017 (When done in excess, eye-brow raising is far less painful than eye-popping)
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The 29 most cringe-worthy lines from Donald Trump’s hyper-political speech to the Boy Scouts, July 27th, 2017
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The 45 oddest quotes from Donald Trump’s secretive Wall Street Journal interview , August 2nd, 2017
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The 14 most shocking comments from Trump’s Charlottesville news conference, August 16th, 2017
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Bob Corker’s 9 most devastating lines on Donald Trump in his CNN interview, ranked, October 24th, 2017
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The 13 most bizarre lines in Donald Trump’s Thanksgiving speech, November 24th, 2017
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6 whoppers from Trump’s speech, December 19th, 2017
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All 11 over-the-top speeches praising Donald Trump at Wednesday’s tax celebration, ranked December 20th, 2017

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The 17 strangest lines from Donald Trump’s visit to a fire station, December 28th, 2017
Screen Shot 2018-01-04 at 9.08.00 AM.pngThere you have it. Unbiased reporting be damned! When you get your news from CNN, and most other networks as well, you get one side and one side only. Good Luck to CNN and Cillizza at the awards show.
I didn’t include the companion articles published by CNN like; “The 17 most reasonable lines from Donald Trump’s visit to the fire station that even a liberal can agree with” or “The 13 most down to earth lines from Donald Trump’s Thanksgiving speech” or “3 reasons why maybe Trump isn’t a Nazi loving, minority hating, women beating, child eating, puppy kicking, ugly baby despising, Russian colluding spy all rolled up in to one demon that’s going to nuke the universe after all” or any other CNN listicle about Trump that isn’t totally negative BECAUSE THEY’ DON’T EXIST.

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