The Beans on Heidi, Trump and…Chelsea Clinton??? Podcast of March 26, 2016 Show

Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 See also… I’m Not Buying the Cruz Scandal Either   Trump’s First MegaDonor Was Senator Hillary’s Biggest Contributor   The Beans on Heidi   Heidi Cruz wants to build a North American Community – what does that mean, exactly?   Ted Cruz flips on Obama trade agenda after months of support    

I’m Not Buying the Cruz Scandal Either

It’s not that I’m a fan of Cruz. Or not a fan. Until he provides a single solitary document demonstrating his and his parents’ citizenship history, I don’t even consider him a candidate. And poo-poo it all you like, but Ted covered for Heidi’s full-throated endorsement of the greatest articulated threat to national sovereignty I’ve … Read more

Trump’s First MegaDonor Was Senator Hillary’s Biggest Contributor

This Megadonor is Ivanka Trump’s father-in-law…check out his rap sheet! This story is unbelievable!! WHY didn’t Christie bring any of this out? (or JEB or Cruz for that matter?)…People are worried Trump is a ringer for Hillary…this guy was Hillary’s biggest donor! The GOP is NOT vetting Trump. Read this article through to the end–the … Read more

People Puppets!

Just a few days ago, I called my ten year old son into the TV room where I was watching the recent remake of Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I said to him, “Look at this—it’s a CARTOON—a CARTOON!! They are now fully capable of, or will be by the time you grow … Read more

Sharyl Attkisson Tells Us How to Hone Our Truthdar

Well, maybe not in so many words, but that’s the idea! This is a great intro into our “alternate reality” – she doesn’t touch on the government, elections and fabricated news events, but it’s a start! Update (3/23/2016): If Sharyl’s intro to an alternate reality here is a 1, Dr. Daniels’ below is a 10…buckle … Read more

Is a Coup Underway in Malaysia?

From today’s Wall Street Journal.… Malaysia Prime Minister Najib Razak Says He Isn’t a ‘Crook’ Malaysia leader embroiled in 1MDB scandal seeks to assure his supporters “If I had wanted to rob, I would have robbed the forest here long ago,’’ Mr. Najib was quoted as saying by the national news agency, Bernama. “I didn’t … Read more