Who’s the Bigger Scammer, the Media or the Fed? Podcast of March 19, 2016 Show

On the show this week, one caller said he saw the results of Obama’s election accidentally pop up on TV before the election; another caller reprimanded me for not dismissing this out of hand. My answer? Stranger things have happened. The tweet above was sent by Newt Gingrich on November 13, 2015, more than two weeks before the San Bernardino attack on December 2, and there is no other relevant “California terrorist attack” to which Newt could have been referring. Happily, I got a little twitter support on this:

This little exchange was just the beginning. We hit on many different topics this week, so after the podcast links, I have put up links to some of the references I made…hope that’s useful. I also respond to comments, so feel free to start a conversation below…

Hour 1

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Resources about Topics on Today’s Show

Here is the call to action on GA HB941 –keep the power with the people and the grand jury https://voterga.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/press-release-georgia-poised-to-pass-unconstitutional-no-justice-bill.pdf Here is the local resource for economic education http://fee.org/ Here is the best national resource for economic education (IMO) https://mises.org/about-mises Here is the Portugal Drug Experiment https://mises.org/library/portugal%E2%80%99s-experiment-drug-decriminalization-has-been-success This is the journalist who lost suing Fox … Read more

More on Merrick Garland…

Just trying out a new series called The Propaganda Report: Your Mainstream Media Companion...I read the WSJ to keep up with the official narrative–if we know what they’re trying to feed us, we might be able to figure out why. I have concluded that nothing in The Wall Street Journal, which I consider to be the “conservative” newspaper of record, is put there simply to inform. It is to misinform in order to serve an agenda or to spin real information that cannot be ignored. With that said, I thought I would take a few articles from The Journal (and occasionally elsewhere) every day and try to start a conversation. The format: article title in bold, subtitle in italics followed by a link and excerpts from the article as block quotes, then my take. Here’s my first cut…

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  • Obama Picks Merrick Garland for Supreme Court, Setting Off High-Stakes Fight With Senate
    Lawmakers reiterate promises not to hold hearings or votes until after elections

Judge Garland, 63 years old, choked up during his remarks and said his 19 years a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit had demonstrated his commitment to “follow the law, not make it.”

“Fidelity to the Constitution and the law has been the cornerstone of my professional life.”…

“For those of us who are concerned about the direction of the court and wanting at least a more centrist figure—between him and somebody that President Clinton might nominate, I think the choice is clear,” said Sen. Jeff Flake (R., Ariz.). Mr. Flake said he would want to confirm Judge Garland in a lame-duck session of Congress if Mrs. Clinton is elected.

Obama’s nomination of Garland immediately set off red flags for me, particularly when I learned of his involvement in the highly suspect McVeigh and Kaczynski cases. Based on his history and contrary to his claims, the last thing I would expect from a Supreme Court Justice Garland would be for him to follow the law above all. As I pointed out when Justice Scalia died, the Republicans have demonstrated their contempt for the Constitution many times, but they can’t admit it because their base demands they at least pay lip service to it. I wouldn’t be surprised if the GOP confirms Garland under cover of Flake’s “Hillary’s pick would be worse.”

Another article in today’s Journal offers more potential foreshadowing….

  • GOP Senate Plots Its Path on Merrick Garland Supreme Court Nomination
    A win by Hillary Clinton in November may soften Republican resistance before she takes office

“If Donald Trump is their nominee, then the Republican Party is going to have a big ‘unreasonable’ stamp all over their candidates,” said Sen. Chris Murphy (D., Conn.), adding that remaining unmoved against Judge Garland would give Republicans “two political stones around their neck.”…

The GOP strategy to block any Obama court pick—laid out by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) shortly after the February death of Justice Antonin Scalia—is aimed at handing no further ammunition to conservative activists and voters already deeply suspicious of the Washington political establishment….

“I’m not going to meet with somebody I know I’m not going to vote for or have a hearing for,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.), a member of the Judiciary Committee.

Saying stuff like “we won’t even vote on him if Obama picked him” makes the GOP look irrational. Either this will be used against them to get Hillary elected and more wins for Democrats in the Senate, or it will be used by “reasonable” conservatives to say, “hey, we have to prove this isn’t personal or partisan,” which could lead to a Garland confirmation.

And here’s The Journal‘s pitch for Garland…

  • For Supreme Court Nominee Merrick Garland, Law Prevails Over Ideology
    President Obama’s choice is viewed widely as a middle-of-the road judge who has avoided strong ideological opinions

Merrick Garland, President Barack Obama’s choice for the Supreme Court, has served nearly 20 years on the federal bench and is viewed widely as a middle-of-the road judge who has avoided strong ideological opinions….

In 1989, Judge Garland quit his partnership at the law firm Arnold & Porter to become a prosecutor for the U.S. attorney’s office in the District of Columbia. By the mid-1990s, he was a senior official at the Justice Department, where he oversaw the prosecution of shocking crimes of domestic terrorism: those of Theodore Kaczynski, known as the Unabomber, and Timothy McVeigh, an antigovernment extremist who in 1995 blew up the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

Donna Bucella, a federal prosecutor who joined Judge Garland on the scene in Oklahoma City, said he managed complicated legal issues and the competing concerns of victims, the local community and the broader public. “He’s got such a quick mind I’m not sure I followed him as fast as he was thinking,” Ms. Bucella said.

Nice article. This is just the kind of thing Journal readers are likely to respond favorably to, though anyone who gets information elsewhere than the mainstream media will know that both the McVeigh and Kaczynski cases involved government cover-ups….Scratching the surface, it appears that Garland could not be the innocuous, law-abiding man of integrity he is being made out to be. (For more on that, click here.)

So how do you like The Propaganda Report? Would you be interesting in seeing something like this on a daily basis? OR WOULD YOU RATHER IT IN A PODCAST? Please comment either way below.

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Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee’s Interesting Past

Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee Merrick Garland “held a top-ranking post in the Justice Department when he was dispatched to Oklahoma City the day after the bombing at the federal courthouse to supervise the investigation. The case made his reputation. He oversaw the convictions of Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, and later supervised the investigation into … Read more

It’s been 2 years to the day since MH370 disappeared…

I still think it went down immediately and didn’t fly around for hours…here is my analysis from that time & I still think it’s the best explanation regardless of what they say they found and where they say they found it a year or two later… Cracking the Code on Malaysia Flight 370

A New Oil Paradigm Emerging?

Ever since a Russian jet went down over Egypt under suspicious circumstances and Russia, to the surprise of many, “confirmed” that it was “unequivocally a terrorist attack,” I have been convinced that Putin is no outsider to the New World Order. I was close to convinced already as it seemed there were some behind-the-scenes maneuverings … Read more