No Show Tomorrow…Upcoming Shows include…

Sunday December 7 & Sunday December 15, times to be determined – I might even be live on location on the 15th, so stay posted for details on that! Also, I’m filling in for Adam Goldfein from 10PM-midnight Monday, December 16 and Tuesday, December 17. As football season winds down and other schedule challenges abate, … Read more

The Village Blacksmith

My eight-year-old son recited this as part of a Thanksgiving pageant at school and it brought tears to my eyes. Thought you might enjoy it too… The Village Blacksmith by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Under a spreading chestnut-tree The village smithy stands; The smith, a mighty man is he, With large and sinewy hands; And the … Read more

Thankfulness Is in the Eye of the Beholder

If you’ve ever listened to my show or perused my website you probably know my story, but I’ll sum it up just in case. I’m the youngest of nine in a blue collar family. We always had what we needed but not much of what we wanted. My parents loved us, worked hard, blah blah blah, but I wanted stuff and I dedicated my whole existence to getting out of my parents’ house and having all the things I needed and wanted: a dry towel after a shower, a whole half a bed, name-brand ice cream–ya know, the finer things in life. In pursuit of theses dreams, I worked like a dog waitressing six nights a week while going to community college, transferring to Harvard on a full scholarship and ultimately getting a JD-MBA from Stanford. In the course of these pursuits, I accumulated mass quantities of debt and found the man of my dreams (or at least the raw material out of which that man could be crafted). I became an investment banker to pay the debts off–and to start racking up the towels and ice cream–and in thinking I could have it all, I moved to Dallas from Money-Making Manhattan to accommodate my husband’s career, maintain my own and even start a family.

Unfortunately, shortly after the wedding and the move to Dallas,

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