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Miriam Who?…Some Facts About the Woman Gunned Down in DC

My mother doesn’t follow me down the rabbit hole. She’s an 84 year-old libertarian who calls Ron Paul “my sweetie” and defended Joe McCarthy always, but she says she’s just too tired at this point to think very hard. She won’t follow my logic about what’s wrong with the official account of the Boston Marathon Bombing and she doesn’t understand why I think Edward Snowden is “fake” or why I would even care to wonder. So when she called me, distraught about the terrible fate of Miriam Carey and insisted, “Someone has to speak for that woman!” I decided to tell what I have learned of Miriam’s story on the air and to outline the whole horrible tale in writing in one place, just for the record. I don’t have any firsthand information on the case and other bloggers have pointed out the curious facts that undermine the official narrative, but here I offer Miriam’s story in its entirety as a small testament to this apparently lovely woman who will definitely not get justice. . . .

Miriam Carey was the 34 year-old single mother who drove with her one year-old daughter, Erica, 270 miles from her home in Stamford, Connecticut, to the White House and claimed Obama was trying to communicate with her. The official story has Miriam “ramming a barricade” at the first White House checkpoint then speeding off to ram another barricade outside the Capitol; then, after being pursued by law enforcement and crashing near a guardhouse, Miriam was shot by Capitol Police and the Secret Service. 12 bullets penetrated her body, ending her life and disfiguring her to such an extent that her family did not identify her remains except from photos. Luckily, Baby Erica was not hit by gunfire, nor was anyone in law enforcement.

The problem with this version of events offered by authorities and faithfully reported by the mainstream media is that none of the details stand up to scrutiny.

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The Thin Blue Line

A friend just asked me my view on the death penalty. In answer to her question and to impart to her how my thinking on this topic has evolved over the years, I forwarded her this review I wrote some time ago of the documentary film: The Thin Blue Line. As we recently discussed the police state on the show, I thought I would share it with you as well.

(spoiler alert)
Synopsis from Wikipedia:
Randall Dale Adams (December 17, 1948 – October 30, 2010) was wrongly convicted of murdering police officer Robert W. Wood, and was subsequently sentenced to death. He served more than 12 years in prison, at one point coming within 72 hours of being put to death. His death sentence was reduced through appeal to the United States Supreme Court, and eight years later he was released when evidence was uncovered to prove his innocence. Adams’ case is profiled in the documentary THE THIN BLUE LINE.
My Opinion:
I always argued in favor of capital punishment because it is so obvious to me that in murdering someone the murderer forfeits his rights totally. I couldn’t stand the arguments that every life is equally valid and who are we to take a life and judge a person, blah blah blah. I’ll tell you who we are–we are innocent people who have but one life to live and if some out-of-control sociopath kills us it’s over forever but for him, he may serve ten or twenty years, maybe even his whole life, but he gets to live and we don’t–it’s just not fair.
Over time, however, I have come to distrust the State to such an extent that I now believe it is dangerous to entrust it even with this, one of its few arguably legitimate functions, so I must withdraw my support for capital punishment.
I will never in a million years

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No Truth, No Justice: Podcast of October 12 Show

Hour 1 Hour 2 Here are some of the things I mentioned on the show: Suzanna Gratia Hupp responds to Chuck Schumer’s FOAD look with brass knuckles! (I hope he plotzed when she showed up herself for work in Congress sometime after this. What a woman!) This is the new book about the militarization of … Read more

Dollars for Terror: A Review

In Dollars for Terror, Swiss journalist Richard Labévière lays out a convincing case that the United States, through its proxy, Saudi Arabia, guided the evolution of Islam, cultivating radical strains of Sunni Islamism to combat the modernizing and stabilizing trends of Arab nationalism which threaten US domination of the Middle East.
Written in 2000, Dollars for Terror predates 9/11 and calls into question the premise that Islamic terrorism against the United States is a spontaneous expression of Muslims “hating us for our freedoms.” Labévière instead sets out to demonstrate that radical, political Islam is a calculated tactic used to facilitate Saudi hegemony and American mastery over the oil-rich region stretching from North Africa through the Middle East and across Central Asia.

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Did This Parent Deserve to be Arrested for Speaking Out?

Apparently parents weren’t allowed to interrupt this school board meeting in Baltimore, only submit questions in writing in advance, but this parent did anyway…what else could he do? (Notice the mocking looks he’s getting from the “public servants” at the front of the room.) According to the youtube video post, the parent, Robert Small, was … Read more