Tsarnaev's CIA Connections

The Wall Street Journal published an article last week reporting that Tamerlan Tsaranaev, the dead “Suspect Number 1” in the Boston Marathon Bombing, was in the Caucasus last year unsuccessfully trying to infiltrate an extreme Islamist mosque and attempting to forge a relationship with a rebel group by offering “to act as a financial go-between … Read more

What Really Happened in Watertown? What if….

The official narrative of the events of Thursday, April 18, 2013, that led to the death of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the grave injury of Boston Transit Officer Richard Donohue and the wounding and ultimate capture of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev raises many questions that remain unanswered.
This is the official story…
Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev lured MIT Officer Sean Collier onto campus and shot him five times execution style in his car to take his gun (which ultimately they were unable to remove from his holster) because they only had one hand gun and one pellet gun. This story, however, conflicts with the very clear account by the Watertown Police Chief Ed Deveau that both brothers came out shooting, indicating that they had at least two guns when the firefight in Watertown commenced a short time later. Now, the official story is that only one gun was found at the scene in Watertown, but that new information itself raises a host of questions about the real nature of the “shoot-out,” and of the credibility of Chief Deveau.
After the killing of Officer Collier, the official account continues, Tamerlan Tsarnaev jumped out of an “old sedan,” which was originally reported as a Honda Civic, to hijack a black Mercedes SUV in order to get cash from its driver. The original report of the gas station clerk who gave refuge to the carjacking victim had described him as Caucasian, and as having claimed to be pushed out of his car by hijackers. Later, the carjacking victim was described as Chinese,

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Who Is The Man On The Ground?

At approximately 10:30 pm on Thursday, April 18, 2013, an MIT police officer, Sean Collier, age 27, was shot and killed on campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts, while responding to a disturbance. Police believe the Boston Bombing suspects, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev shot the officer five times to get his gun because they only had one gun. It is unclear how many bullets were in Officer Collier’s gun or why the brothers thought the gun would be so valuable they would shoot the officer five times for it and call attention to themselves before their whereabouts were known by police. In the end, the brothers failed to remove the officer’s gun from his holster–their heinous crime was in vain. Mystery continues to surround the death of the MIT officer, however, and the Middlesex DA released today a request for witnesses to the crime.
The first responder to the MIT officer’s call for backup, Officer Collier’s friend and former classmate, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Police Officer Richard Donohue, might have been the only one in a position to illuminate the events as they unfolded in Cambridge that night. By a tragic coincidence, however,

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Who Is The Naked Man?

CNN reported last Thursday night that the police had taken two men into custody following a car chase possibly in connection with the Boston Marathon bombing and the killing of a police officer at MIT.  During the report, they showed footage shot by CNN of one of the suspects, handcuffed and naked, being walked by police to a police cruiser.
The top video below shows the CNN footage.  This was aired Thursday night before the early Friday morning shootout that killed Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Who is the naked man in custody? Is it Tamerlan Tsarnaev? If not, who is he and why isn’t there an official explanation of the arrest?  If it is Tsarnaev, why did authorities let him go then engage him in a gunfight?
The critical question is, “Is the naked man Tamerlan Tsarnaev?” Judge for yourself. Before you play the video, compare its frozen image of the naked man with the still photos of Tamerlan Tsarnaev below it. (If you want to get back to that frozen image after you play the video, refresh this page.)

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Amazing Eyewitness Account of Tamerlan Tsarnaev Shootout

Contrast this video* with the bizarre report that police claimed Tamerlan was run over by his own brother and possibly killed by him: Boston Bombing Suspect Likely Killed by Younger Brother And who is the guy in the video below? He is obviously not either of the Tsarnaev brothers (begin at 7:00). [wpvideo SlMoNiUH]   … Read more

CISPA, Social Security & FBI's Terror Net

There was so much news this week that I didn’t have time to follow up on everything on air. Here a few articles that should answer the biggest questions raised on this week’show. First, What is CISPA? CISPA Isn’t ‘Son of SOPA’ (But That’s Not Saying Much) Second, Is Social Security Fully Funded? Misleading the … Read more

FOX Deliberately Went Easy On Obama

In August 2011, when I first read The Washington Times article, “Was CIA behind Operation Fast & Furious?,” by Robert Farago and Ralph Dixon, I was waiting on the edge of my seat for the scandal to ignite in the media, at least on the right. From arming the Sinaloa drug cartel, to laundering money for them and allowing their drugs in the country, to attempting a cover-up, the Obama administration was overseeing nefarious activity with all the makings of an Iran-Contra and Watergate combined. When the scandal failed to explode, I started to smell a rat. At first I figured the Republicans were neutered because the roots of the overarching Project Gunrunner reached back into the Bush Administration, but when the media, particularly The Wall Street Journal and FOX News, failed adequately to elucidate the clear distinctions between Bush’s operations and Obama’s and failed to expose Operation Fast & Furious for all that it was, I started to believe the fix was in.
As I saw Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder lie to the Senate then lie about lying then get caught in both lies,

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The Story of Stuff: Propagandizing Your Children

Here is the insanely anti-capitalist and wildly inaccurate video designed for school children here and around the world: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GorqroigqM] And here is a very engaging rebuttal: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5uJgG05xUY] And here is a truly delightful video on the philosophy of liberty – a nice balm for the brain after watching The Story of Stuff! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muHg86Mys7I]