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I just noticed that the same organization that precipitated the Supreme Court case against the State of Texas for the right to put the Confederate flag on the license plate, is the one Governor Deal is dealing with now to redesign a plate in Georgia. It’s called the Sons of Confederate Veterans and it is a 30,000+ organization of descendents of Confederate soldiers that for almost 100 years dedicated itself to preserving war memorials and the memory of confederate soldiers. In the 1990s however, there was a struggle for power at this organization as the League of the South, a newly formed and very different organization, infiltrated and politicized the group, making the new goal “fighting for the right to display Confederate symbols everywhere from schools to statehouses.” This prompted me to add a few new entries to my glossary, in particular, Crisis Initiation, but also LIHOP & the Rahm Emanuel Doctrine. Check it out… https://monicaperezshow.com/monicaisms/
Texas was a republic before it became a state. I picked up somewhere that there were negotiations that allowed Texas the legal authority to subdivide after joining as a state and become up to five states. If this is true why did they not exercise that right before the the War Between the States. If Texas had had 8 more senators and more congressmen , might the war have been prevented ?