Cruz Will Have the Edge in Iowa: Podcast of January 30, 2016 Show

At the beginning of the year, I predicted a “February Surprise” whereby Trump would stop dominating the media polls and start losing ground in the real polls. When Trump skipped the Iowa debate last week, I thought maybe the February Surprise came a few days early and that this might be the turning point for … Read more

Emailgate is nothing…this author predicted a Hillary indictment in 1996

I had never heard of this author, Roger Morris, or this book, Partners in Power, and Morris’s politics are very far from mine, but after watching this video (on 1.5x speed to save time), I bought the book (for $0.01 plus shipping on amazon)…at one point he names a guy Bruce Lindsey as likely to … Read more

What is a libertarian? by the great Harry Browne

I just got an email from JB asking if I thought supporting Trump was a valid libertarian position…I guess it depends on what you think Trump really believes, but I know what a libertarian really believes, as did the GREAT Harry Browne: “We should never define libertarian positions in terms coined by liberals and conservatives, … Read more

#WWRS What Would Rand Say?

Rand Paul got shut out of the Fox GOP debate this Thursday so now there’s no hope for the plain truth of things or a call to principles…unless…we do it for him…live tweet during the debate #wwrs What Would Rand Say? I’ll be on WSB at midnight after the debate & I’ll read your tweets … Read more

Rand Paul on the View Talking Gun Control

In answer to Whoopi’s question as to why anyone would ever need to own a semi-automatic weapon, I wish Rand had quoted Luby’s massacre survivor Suzanna Gratia-Hupp’s Congressional testimony in which she explains that in the LA riots where the police abandoned entire neighborhoods, at least one individual was on his store’s rooftop protecting his … Read more