PODCAST: St. Louis County Shows How To Fight Mask Mandates Locally, This Is A Full On Psychological Experiment, & What’s Really Going On With The Supply Chain Issues (DNB)

Listen, Subscribe, Share the Show, Donate. Help us keep this train rollin! Notes & Links from Today’s Show https://www.universalcargo.com/5-factors-causing-congestion-at-the-ports-of-l-a-and-long-beach/#:~:text=The%20smoke%20caused%20evacuations%20at%20terminals%20around%20the,at%20the%20ports%20is%20fooling%20him%20or%20herself. https://www.freightwaves.com/news/canada-border-officers-vote-to-strike-warn-of-supply-chain-disruption https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/the-us-shipping-crisis-is-not-going-away-as-cargo-ships-float-off-the-coast-of-la-waiting-to-dock/ar-BB1fi9LY https://www.portoflosangeles.org/business/statistics/container-statistics https://www.universalcargo.com/will-international-shipping-be-like-this-in-2022/ https://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20081208_dignitas-personae_en.html https://catholicfamilynews.com/blog/2021/01/15/archbishop-vigano-on-the-promotion-of-the-covid-vaccine-by-the-vatican/ https://www.ctfreedomalliance.org Festa’s most recent blogpost is very informative on the ins and outs of exemptions https://ctfreedomblog.wordpress.com/ https://www.pacificjustice.org/ https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/service-members-can-request-religious-exemptions-mandated-vaccines/ this expands on the religious exemption in principle: https://www.nvic.org/faqs/vaccine-exemptions.aspx https://jhsphcenterforhealthsecurity.s3.amazonaws.com/spars-pandemic-scenario.pdf https://dola.com/events/2021/8/8/good-vibes-summer-tour-2021-rebelution-special-guests-tickets disease … Read more

PODCAST: Propaganda In The Olympics, The Flimsy Legal “Precedent” On Vaccine Mandates & Pelosi’s House Select Committee On Rewriting History (DNB)

Listen, Subscribe, Share the show with friends, Donate. Help us keep this train rollin! Share and subscribe. The Propaganda Report Podcast: Propaganda In The Olympics, The Flimsy Legal “Precedent” On Vaccine Mandates & Pelosi’s House Select Committee On Rewriting History (DNB)  The Propaganda Report – Take a deep dive beneath the surface the story (thepropreport.com) … Read more

PODCAST: Kamala Is Being Positioned As America’s Mother, Protest Sweep Europe Over New Vaccine Rules, & The Real Game of Sports Is The Culture War (DNB)

Listen, Subscribe, Share the show with friends, Donate. Help us keep this train rollin! Share and subscribe. The Propaganda Report Podcast: Kamala Is Being Positioned As America’s Mother, Protest Sweep Europe Over New Vaccine Rules, & The Real Game of Sports Is The Culture War (DNB) The Propaganda Report – Take a deep dive beneath … Read more

PODCAST: Conversation w/Tho Bishop: Libertarian Solutions Within The System

Listen, Subscribe, Share the show with friends, Donate. Help us keep this train rollin! Share and subscribe. The Propaganda Report Podcast: Conversation w/Tho Bishop: Libertarian Solutions Within The System Tho on Twitter https://twitter.com/ThoBishop The Propaganda Report – Take a deep dive beneath the surface the story (thepropreport.com) https://www.thepropreport.com/ Part I: Inside The CFR’s Fear-Based Pro … Read more

PODCAST: The Vax Atrocity Propaganda Has Arrived, Elon Musk Identifies The Biggest Corporation Of All, & CIA Deception Maxim #7 (DNB)

Listen, Subscribe, Share the show with friends, Donate. Help us keep this train rollin! Share and subscribe. The Propaganda Report Podcast: The Vax Atrocity Propaganda Has Arrived, Elon Musk Identifies The Biggest Corporation Of All, & CIA Deception Maxim #7 (DNB)  The Propaganda Report – Take a deep dive beneath the surface the story (thepropreport.com) … Read more

PODCAST: Biden’s Censorship Marching Orders, What’s The Point of The Fauci/Rand Paul Monthly Fight? & Republicans Duped By Controversy Marketing (DNB)

Listen, Subscribe, Share the show with friends, Donate. Help us keep this train rollin! Share and subscribe. The Propaganda Report Podcast: Biden’s Censorship Marching Orders, What’s The Point of The Fauci/Rand Paul Monthly Fight? & Republicans Duped By Controversy Marketing (DNB) The Propaganda Report – Take a deep dive beneath the surface the story (thepropreport.com) … Read more

PODCAST: Who Are The Real Vaccine Profiteers? The Origin of Biden’s “Blame The Unvaccinated” Propaganda & The Journalism Reboot (DNB)

Listen, Subscribe, Share the show with friends, Donate. Help us keep this train rollin! Share and subscribe. The Propaganda Report Podcast: DNB: Who Are The Real Vaccine Profiteers? The Origin of Biden’s “Blame The Unvaccinated” Propaganda & The Journalism Reboot (DNB) The Propaganda Report – Take a deep dive beneath the surface the story (thepropreport.com) … Read more

PODCAST: The U.S. Is Being Downgraded, Another Bogus Snopes Fact Check, & Is Israel’s Pegasus Project An Echo Of A Past PROMIS? (DNB)

Listen, Subscribe, Share the show with friends, Donate. Help us keep this train rollin! Share and subscribe. The Propaganda Report Podcast: DNB: The U.S. Is Being Downgraded, Another Bogus Snopes Fact Check, & Is Israel’s Pegasus Project An Echo Of A Past PROMIS? (DNB)  The Propaganda Report – Take a deep dive beneath the surface the … Read more

PODCAST: Here’s What Biden’s New War On Terror Looks Like, The Not So Great Reset, & Americans Are Distracted By A Vicious Cycle of Envy (DNB)

Listen, Subscribe, Share the show with friends, Donate. Help us keep this train rollin! Share and subscribe. The Propaganda Report Podcast: Here’s What Biden’s New War On Terror Looks Like, The Not So Great Reset, & Americans Are Distracted By A Vicious Cycle of Envy (DNB) The Propaganda Report – Take a deep dive beneath … Read more

PODCAST: Here’s The Real Story About The New Fulton Co, GA Voter Fraud Evidence & Biden Admin Declares Vax “Misinformation Superspreaders” An Urgent Threat (DNB)

Listen, Subscribe, Share the show with friends, Donate. Help us keep this train rollin! Share and subscribe. The Propaganda Report Podcast: Here’s The Real Story About The New Fulton Co, GA Voter Fraud Evidence & Biden Admin Declares Vax “Misinformation Superspreaders” An Urgent Threat (DNB) The Propaganda Report – Take a deep dive beneath the … Read more