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This is a must read, full stop: The Report from Iron Mountain. (See also, “another update” below.)
Race & The State
What’s at the bottom of the rabbit hole? The Report from Iron Mountain. Podcast of June 7, 2014 Show
Hour 1
Hour 2
Hour 3
This is a must read, full stop: The Report from Iron Mountain. (See also, “another update” below.)
Duck Dynasty Dust-Up
Unless I really can’t avoid it, I do avoid discussing divisive “wedge” issues on the air, and I did not make an exception for the Duck Dynasty dust-up, but I do want to take this opportunity to express one heartfelt view I have. I feel strongly that the American people, gay or straight, black or … Read more
Trayvon Martin: Guns Not Race
After the Trayvon Martin shooting I did a show about my view that the reason the powers that be were making a stink about the Trayvon Martin killing wasn’t because they care about “hate crime” but because they want to increase gun control. Here’s the opening segment of the show: The Monica Perez Show: Trayvon … Read more
Book Review: Drug Crazy by Mike Gray
Drug Crazy, by Mike Gray, is a page turner on the origins and impact of the Drug War in America. I have long been against the Drug War as a matter of principle: there is no justification for the group to force an individual to do or not to do a particular thing if the … Read more
Why Was Tax Day Late This Year?
Normally, Tax Day is April 15, but this year it’s April 17–that’s because the 15th was on a Sunday and the 16th is Emancipation Day, which is a holiday in DC that celebrates Lincoln’s signing of the DC Compensated Emancipation Act on April 16, 1862, nine months before the Emancipation Proclamation. A little known fact, … Read more
Book Review: Drug Crazy by Mike Gray
Drug Crazy, by Mike Gray, is a page turner on the origins and impact of the Drug War in America. I have long been against the Drug War as a matter of principle: there is no justification for the group to force an individual to do or not to do a particular thing if the … Read more
Trayvon Martin, Gun Control & the Drug War: On & About This Week's Show
This week on the show I discussed the disingenuousness of Mayor Bloomberg as he says in the video below that because of loose gun laws he is concerned for the safety of his family, while he is widely quoted as having said in November that “I have my own army in the NYPD, which is the seventh biggest army in the world….I have my own State Department.” But what galls me is that he and others are using the Trayvon Martin killing to set the stage for a new push to further curtail our Second Amendment rights. Although I’m not a gunslinger myself (yet), I do believe that the Second Amendment is what stands between us and complete tyranny. Below the video are a couple of links I think may be of interest in defense of gun rights.