Sidestream Media: The Backstory

Guest post by he-of-the-great-truthdar… You think I peel the onion…my special guest poster here (I gave him the fancy handle 🙂 sometimes goes over my head, but he’s been right about too much for too long, so I encouraged him to share his thoughts-what’s your reaction? feel free to comment below. Much is made today … Read more

Pizza Gate "Shooting" Propaganda Intended To Silence Dissent

The silencing of all dissent got a major boost yesterday when “Fake News” and “conspiracy theories” were blamed for what may or may not have been a shooting inside of Comet Ping Pong, a Washington D.C. pizzeria. CNN and other propaganda news sites reported yesterday that Edger Maddison Welch went into Comet Ping Pong around … Read more

FBI Just Got Huge Expansion of Hacking Powers, and Other Tales of Surveillance & Censorship

I guess some real news crept into the fake news…Here’s a story from RT (h/t Dean) FBI gets expanded hacking powers despite Senate fight Critics argue the rule threatens the privacy rights of Americans.Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) tried three times on Wednesday to delay the changes, which will take effect at midnight. In a speech … Read more

Regulations Are For Cronies…

This is how regulations favor big business…I wrote a whole article about this mechanism coming down in the budding pot industry (seriously, that was not intended!), but today’s Journal put it so simply, so elegantly, I had to share it. Different Sector, Same Principle… Trump Treasury Pick Could Boost Small Banks Mnuchin’s background suggests he … Read more


This is a must-watch right now. I didn’t even watch it at faster speed–hanging on every word. (h/t JB) Yuri Bezmenov, KGB defector, lays out the plan; to paraphrase: Use the conservatives to get Marxist ideas into the mainstream (see Kristol’s Neo-Conservatism)–“leftists are useless;” promise goodies; eradicate free market ideas; precipitate crisis; disallow dissent; then … Read more

How Do You Say "Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste" in Portuguese?

A terrible tragedy for Brazil–a plane crash that killed almost all aboard a charter carrying a soccer team and the journalists covering their biggest match ever–has turned into a golden opportunity for their Corrupt and Corrupter politicians. The first article below (h/t GNDR) says it all…massive tragedy exploited by Brazil’s grotesquely corrupt political class. Boy … Read more

#WTWOF North Korean Missile Crisis?

I don’t know exactly how it will unfold, but I know something‘s cooking with North Korea. Perhaps it’ll be President Donald’s first test out of the gate, perhaps it will be his Cuban Missile Crisis moment–perhaps his first war–I don’t know, but I know when I read three different stories about North Korea in twenty … Read more

Suddenly The First Amendment Matters!

Despite their recent assault on the free speech of anyone in the alternative media, the left was up in arms yesterday about Trump tweeting, “Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag – if they do, there must be consequences – perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!” Fake News Site Slate, who’s … Read more

Flag Burning Tweet Was Because of Romney

In what was clearly a staged photo opt, this was the best picture they could get? I guess the photo of Trump sitting on Romney’s chest, shoving wads of napkins into his mouth while demanding an apology, wasn’t the story they wanted to tell. Trump’s recent courting of Mitt Romney is one of the many … Read more