The Propaganda Report, Episode 4: Strategy of Tension


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The Propaganda Report Episode 4 on iTunesThe Propaganda Report Episode 4 on iTunes

Show Notes with references and links from this week’s episode….

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The Art of Ambiguity (new glossary entry)

I recently coined the phrase “the Art of Ambiguity” to describe everything from Obama’s nebulous “Hope & Change” slogan to Trump’s “and some, I assume, are good people.” In the former case, no information is given, so you can project what you want. In the latter case, all options are thrown out there so you … Read more

Propaganda Report Episode 3: American Right ==> Alt Right ==> European Right (Podcast and Video!)

I tried to show this during the video but it got cut off.

For audio only, click here.

Two corrections: (at marker 26:55) Stalin & Hitler didn’t like each other in the end (they liked each in the beginning); (at marker 29:47) Irving Kristol partnered up with Norman Podhoretz, not his son John.

Show notes….

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GMOs To Go?

I recently wrote an article, GMO Labeling: The Obvious Libertarian Solution. The gist of my article was that using voluntary GMO labeling as a marketing tool to give people what they want is a great libertarian solution that neither forces nor prevents private industry from communicating with its customers. I also noted that I have … Read more

Yeah, Gary, that was a stupid answer, but then again, it WAS a set-up.

I don’t care much for Sarah Palin’s neo-conservatism, but I didn’t like it when she was mocked for not snapping to the obscure and wonky phrase “Bush Doctrine” in her first major interview as VP candidate. It was clearly a set-up. Likewise, I’m not a fan of Gary Johnson’s brand of Libertarian Light (and I … Read more

Predictive Programming (glossary entry)

From Rational Wiki: Predictive programming is a recurring element across many conspiracy theories. The claim is that when conspirators plan a false flag operation, they hide references to it in the popular media before the atrocity takes place; when the event occurs, the public has softened up, and therefore passively accepts it rather than offering … Read more

The Propaganda Report w/ Perez & Binkley – this week’s podcast!


barry_goldwater_on_trilateral_commissionThank you very much Brad Binkley for putting together a great podcast in lieu of this week’s show on WSB which is preempted for UGA football (Go Dawgs!!) The sound quality is not perfect (sorry, my bad)–it will be next time 🙂

We discuss TPP, Hillary’s Neo-Con Coming Out Speech, Trump & the Mob, Soros/BLM/Dallas, Colin Kaepernick & More!!! (I have a half a video that goes with this but I’m not sure we can get it to work…check back next week if you’re interested.)


For just the audio click here

[archiveorg id=PropagandaReportWithMonicaPerezBinkley9316FromYouTube width=500 height=140]

Show notes (links to references made on the show)…

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