Second Amendment Gap (new glossary entry)

It has occurred to me that the Second Amendment could not fully constrain a tyrannical government if the citizenry does not have the same weapons as the government it empowers. Given that all branches of the federal government have conspired to limit the Second Amendment to allow to the citizenry only semi-automatic weapons or less, … Read more

Divide & Conquer on this week’s show…

BLM and cop-shootings are driving both the left and the right to demand more government, more policing, more central control…in short, we are being marched toward a Police State. If these issues weren’t framed in terms of race, we might instead focus on the systematic transformation of policing in this country, which is adopting a … Read more

Johnson/Weld: Libertarian Light (podcast of August 13, 2016 show)

Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 More from the Great Harry Browne Weld Interview below (sparking the quote from BR: “Why is this guy on the ticket?”) CNN – Anderson Cooper-hosted Libertarian Town Hall As mentioned on the air: What if ISIS is not what it appears to be? Two libertarians on different … Read more

Lifetime Actor (glossary entry)

I recently heard a podcast (I can’t remember which one!!) in which someone described Hillary Clinton and many others as “lifetime actors.” It took me a bit to understand fully what was meant, but I think I really got it the last time I listened to the youtube video below of Hillary audio captured long, … Read more

Chekhov’s Gun (new glossary entry)

Earlier this year I highlighted a report that Judicial Watch had gotten direct access to Hillary Clinton’s emails as well as permission to depose witnesses, perhaps even Hillary herself. In my law school training, I had never seen anything like this, nor have I ever read any other story like this. I have yet to … Read more

GMO Labeling, the Obvious Libertarian Solution

Unfortunately, the debate over GMO labeling continues in the form of “to label or not to label” and is focused on the federal government. As is typical, stipulating that this is an issue on which the federal government should decide for all, has backfired. Calls for GMO labeling at state, local and federal levels has … Read more

The Tyson Zone (new glossary entry)

Tyson Zone h/t EB: “This election cycle has reached the Tyson Zone.” The point at which a celebrity’s behavior becomes so insane, that there is literally nothing he could do that would shock or surprise you, or indeed any human being. So named after boxer Mike Tyson, who at one time was the heavyweight boxing … Read more