Whistleblower Gets More Time than Epstein!! (Then Dies.)

You CANNOT make this stuff up! Jeffrey Epstein’s former house manager, Alfredo Rodriguez, tried to sell Epstein’s “little black book” (the one with contact numbers for Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz, Donald Trump, Prince Andrew and others) to the attorneys of victims who objected to Epstein’s illegal plea deal instead of bringing the book to the … Read more

“100% of the Constitution 100% of the time” – Gotta love TMOT!

Libertarians might balk at this statement. After all, the Constitution gives the federal government the right to steal (Taxation is Theft!) and kill, and failed to restrain that government from overstepping the boundaries set up to contain those powers. As an anarcho-capitalist, I have concluded that no piece of paper can contain an entity that … Read more

It’s Time for Another Ask the Libertarian!

Given that the Libertarian Party ticket is getting beaucoups of press these days, and given that this ticket has spawned a new acronym: LINO…yup, Libertarian In Name Only…I think we ought to have a discussion of what it really means to be a libertarian. Please help by giving me questions I can answer on air … Read more

Is the Libertarian Ticket the Least of THREE Evils??

I won’t vote for evil, whether greater or lesser. I will vote, however, for a flawed by principled Libertarian Party candidate to register my respect for the libertarian principles on which this country was founded, as well as to register my protest to the liberal-fascist center represented by both the Democrat and the Republican Parties. … Read more

This Is How the WSJ Covered the Ken Starr Story…

Baylor Plans to Fire Art Briles, Demotes Ken Starr Over Scandal University also places athletic director on probation as investigation finds handling of sexual assault complaints was ‘wholly inadequate’ Kenneth Starr, whose vigorous prosecution led to President Bill Clinton’s impeachment, was forced out as president of Baylor University Thursday amid allegations he turned a blind … Read more

GOP Rules & Libertarian Party in the Crosshairs…

I have believed that Donald Trump’s campaign was an inside job ever since his initial comments about Hispanic immigrants gained traction by an obviously manipulated story about a woman shot on a pier in San Francisco as well as a ridiculous story about El Chapo (likely a psyop in himself) angrily tweeting at The Donald … Read more

The Ferguson Effect: Intended Consequences (Propaganda Report)

Ever since I read that both Richard Nixon and Michael Bloomberg owed their political success in no small part to exploiting the public’s fear of crime, I have been alert to the possibility that rising crime rates would again be used for political purposes. No great stretch, except that plummeting crime rates have been the … Read more