FOX News Accidentally Shows Evidence of Syrian REBELS Using Chemical Weapons

While talking about Assad’s chemical weapons yesterday, Fox News mistakenly showed footage I hadn’t seen on mainstream media before–it was footage released by the Syrian government that showed its soldiers finding a stash of chemical weapons and antidotes in a rebel hideout. The Fox footage below shows that the antidotes were made by a Qatari-German company, and of course the Qataris are supplying the rebels not the government. You can see the dirty containers on the chemicals, the cellophane covers tied on – definitely not government issue!
Be sure to watch the Fox News video, but also the video below that one, which shows the complete footage released by the Syrian government. This is just one piece of the wealth of compelling evidence that the rebels have used chemical weapons – so why aren’t we turning our Tomahawk Missiles on them?
Check out the original video released by the Syrian government…

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Tamerlan Tsarnaev Was a Radical Islamist AND a Right-Wing Extremist?

Today’s Wall Street Journal had an article on the cover page titled Boston Bombing Suspect Was Steeped In Conspiracies. At first I didn’t know what they were going for. I thought perhaps the media/government thought it would be handy to be able to blame the Boston Marathon Bombing both on radical Islamists AND right-wing extremists … Read more

It's Not Right vs. Right, It's Us vs. Them

Much is being made in the news right now about a GOP that is pulling itself apart. The common representation of the struggle is that it is a battle between the far right and the far, far right, or as Mother Jones framed it in describing the Karl Rove PAC dedicated to supporting hand-picked Republicans … Read more

Snowden's Russian Passport A Fake?

Not for nothin, but the guidelines for Russian passport photos are clear:  No glasses allowed. Check out the guideline third from the bottom in the picture below. If you’ve ever tried to get a passport, especially a foreign one, you know they don’t make exceptions to these rules because a photo that doesn’t adhere to … Read more

What Did Jefferson Say Would Leave Our Children Homeless? Podcast of July 28 Show

My seven-year-old was doing a class project on Lewis & Clark. One of the questions each student had to answer about his or her historical subject was how much a gallon of milk cost during their lifetime. It was hard to find a chart of historical price levels, probably because it’s so crazy looking. I … Read more

Video: Ibragim Todashev's Friend Explains What Happened

Click here for the video from the night Ibragim Todashev was shot six times in the body and once in the crown of the head while being questioned about a phone call he had with Tamerlan Tsarnaev before the Boston Marathon Bombing. Despite countless false news reports saying that he was being interrogated as a … Read more