NSA Whistleblower William Binney in The Program, Ron Paul SNL Sketch & the Neo-Con Manifesto

Here is the short video called The Program that I mentioned on air. William Binney quit the NSA shortly after 9/11 when the US turned its spyware on its own citizens. Binney’s story dovetails with the Wired article on the huge Utah data center that has the capacity to hold 100 years of the world’s … Read more

Piers Morgan’s Argument: You’re Stupid.

These clips of Piers Morgan “debating” gun control is pretty hilarious. This is basically how the conversation goes: Larry Pratt: “These are the facts and reasoning behind my position.” Piers Morgan: “You’re an idiot.” But did you know that Piers Morgan was disgraced in England, being fired for publishing false photos? Check it out: Editor … Read more

Gun Politics in Germany

There was some controversy on the show yesterday about the gun policies of certain tyrannical governments. I had stated that Hitler, among other dictators, all banned guns but a caller cautioned me against promoting propaganda so I decided to recheck my facts. Although I had read that tidbit repeatedly, we’d all do well to remember … Read more

From Smallpox to Singapore: Why a Gun Ban Won't Work in the U.S.

I find it highly distasteful to engage in the debate about gun control at this time first because I think gun control advocates are using an incomprehensible tragedy for political gain and I don’t want to play into their hands; second, because I am still sick about what happened in Newtown–I cannot stop thinking about it and I really want to; and third, and most important, because the gun control debate detracts from the real issue in this case:  society and mental illness.*  Many rampage killings occur in the U.S., but also in countries with strict gun control and all over the world by means other than guns.  Why do people kill like this? And is there anything we can do about it?
Despite my personal preference to focus on other issues, the gun debate has been reignited once again and I do have some thoughts to share on the subject.
Gun control is a two-part debate: (1) will stricter gun control or more liberal gun rights result in greater day-to-day safety, and (2) regardless of the answer to the first question, isn’t it necessary to have an effectively armed citizenry in order to deter governmental tyranny?
I usually skip the first question because regardless of the answer to that one, the second one is decisive in my opinion. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mussolini and Pol Pot among them killed over 100,000,000 of their own, mostly disarmed, citizens in the twentieth century. No matter how many

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It's Faith & It's Fascism

The leaders of the collective are not calling for a gun ban because they have concluded it will reduce the number of killings in this country–they don’t start from scratch like that.  They are doing it because their religion is Faith in Government. They believe without question that government can cure all the ills in … Read more

The Monica Perez Show Is Back! Sunday, December 16, 2012, 1pm-3pm ET on News/Talk WSB 750AM, 95.5FM, IHEARTRADIO and Right Here!

After a college football enforced hiatus, The Monica Perez Show will be back this Sunday! Possible topics include: the Fiscal Cliff, How to raise a polite John Connor, a few things you didn’t know about the election, farewell to the Thomas Jefferson of our time, and anything else you want to talk about with some … Read more

Thankfulness Is in the Eye of the Beholder

If you’ve ever listened to my show or perused my website you probably know my story, but I’ll sum it up just in case. I’m the youngest of nine in a blue collar family. We always had what we needed but not much of what we wanted. My parents loved us, worked hard, blah blah blah, but I wanted stuff and I dedicated my whole existence to getting out of my parents’ house and having all the things I needed and wanted: a dry towel after a shower, a whole half a bed, name-brand ice cream–you know, the finer things in life. In pursuit of these dreams, I worked like a dog waitressing six nights a week while going to community college, transferring to Harvard on a full scholarship and ultimately getting a JD-MBA from Stanford. In the course of these pursuits,

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