This summer has me running in all directions, so I haven’t been able to post much. My apologies for that, however, as luck would have it, my sister Booie wanted to share some thoughts on Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed Bill recently passed by Congress….

When England tried to place the colonies under the monetary control of the Bank of England, many in America were strongly opposed. This was one of the factors leading to the Revolutionary War. Nevertheless, the First Bank of the United States was chartered in 1791, thanks to the machinations of Alexander Hamilton, in line with Northern mercantile interests. In exchange for support by the agrarian South for the bank, Hamilton agreed

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Doomsday List From This Week's Show!

This week on the show we talked about a list I came upon:  Top Ten Global Risks we face over the next year.  Here’s the list:
10. Regime implosion in North Korea, on the basis that the surprisingly rapid acclamation of Kim Jong-un as ‘great successor’ to his father is a façade.
9. A deflationary trap in the United States similar to what Japan experienced in 1992-95, with dire consequences for global growth.
8. Cartels capture the Mexican state, wherein the essential functions and institutions of government are ceded to powerful drug lords.

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I Couldn't Find My American Flag, but I Did Find This One! Video Preview of This Week's Show…

This week was the Fourth of July and I made a scary discovery: I don’t own an American flag! But I did find another flag while I was looking for Old Glory….Also, I came upon a very serious list of Top Ten Global Risks for the next year – holy cow there is some scary … Read more

Mommy, Do You Love America?

I thought I would repost this in honor of the Fourth of July… When my seven-year-old daughter asked me this question last night, I was gutted. Do I, the daughter of a Harley-riding, ultra-conservative, flag-fying World War II veteran, love America? I, who lives the American Dream? Granddaughter of orphan and immigrants; waitress and community … Read more

Double Fake Justice Roberts: Republican Supreme Court Justice Sells Us Down the River Twice in One Week!

In the movie, I think Bill Pullman should play Justice Roberts playing a conservative. Are these guys separated at birth or what??? Anyway, Justice Roberts voted this week both to uphold Obamacare and to strike down three of four provisions in the controversial Arizona immigration law while allowing the “your papers please” provision to stand. … Read more

Finally! Operation Fast & Furious Is Making the Headlines!

I have been saying since October that Operation Fast & Furious was Obama’s Iran-Contra and have been speculating as to why it was not front page news every day. Finally it is front page news as Attorney General Eric Holder is cited for contempt of Congress even after President Obama tried to shield him behind … Read more

Must See Stefan Molyneux Video: The Story of Your Enslavement

I always enjoy listening to Stefan Molyneux, fellow voluntarist, and when my sister Booie sent me this video I wasn’t surprised that I enjoyed it tremendously. I find this kind of thing particularly exhilarating if you have already begun to notice the underlying truths being revealed, but this video also serves as a great introduction … Read more