Why Was Tax Day Late This Year?

Normally, Tax Day is April 15, but this year it’s April 17–that’s because the 15th was on a Sunday and the 16th is Emancipation Day, which is a holiday in DC that celebrates Lincoln’s signing of the DC Compensated Emancipation Act on April 16, 1862, nine months before the Emancipation Proclamation.  A little known fact, … Read more

The Forgotten 4%

All this talk about fairness and the “rich” paying their “fair share”, you’d think the lower classes were bearing the greatest burden of taxation but they are not, not by a long shot!  First of all, 49.5% of tax filers pay NO INCOME TAX WHATSOEVER–these of course are the lowest earners, not the highest earners!  For this reason, and others, the United States has one of the most progressive tax systems in the world and has the highest corporate tax rate in the world.
I do think the current tax system is unfair, but because only the top half of all earners pay anything at all! And what’s worse, it’s the top earners, not the wealthiest, who pay the vast majority of the taxes. The idle rich (not that there’s anything wrong with that!) and the government-connected rich (there IS something wrong with that!) aren’t necessarily the ones paying income tax. Income tax is paid by those who earn an income for labor. The richer you are the less you need to do this so per force the majority of the highest earners are still below the level of those rich enough not to have to work–this is primarily (and perhaps by definition) the upper middle class.
According to the chart below, the lower 95% of earners are paying the same in taxes as the top 1%–both groups pay roughly 40% of the taxes. That other 4%,

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Happy Tax Day! I'd Rather Burn The Money: On & About This Week's Show

I might not mind so much paying taxes if I weren’t so horrified by what they’re using it for! Check out this article in this month’s Wired magazine:  The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say).  And check out the insane New World Order imagery on this logo for the government program Total Information Awareness. I thought it was a joke or an Alex Jones type mock-up, but no, it’s real. I guess you can’t make this stuff up!

And this is what they’re up to….

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Obamacare, Romneycare & Proof That Both Parties March Us Down the Road to Serfdom: On & About This Week’s Show

Here is a video of the press conference Obama held last week. For Obama’s discussion of Obamacare and the Supreme Court as well as the sycophantic attitude of the reporter (which garners chuckles from fellow reporters)

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"Mommy, do you love America?"

During this election season, when I yet again have to grapple with the question: Do I vote for the possibly slightly lesser of two evils or do I take a stand and make a statement with my vote that might not swing the election but might move the dial? I learned something today that robbed me of my last delusion that there actually is a lesser of the two evils (listen to Saturday’s show to hear what I learned) and coupled with that realization I recalled a question my daughter asked me not too long ago which helped me to remember to take courage. Here’s my answer to her important question, in case you haven’t seen it before.

When my seven-year-old daughter asked me this question last night, I was gutted. Do I, the daughter of a Harley-riding, ultra-conservative, flag-fying war veteran, love America? I, the liver of the American Dream? Granddaughter of orphan and immigrants, waitress and community college student-turned-Harvard and Stanford grad, do I love America? I have always been a patriot! I welled up with tears when I first heard that

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Ever Wonder What It Means To Take The Red Pill or Be A Conspiranoid? Check Out My New Glossary

There are a few expressions and references I like to use on the air that are not (yet!) in common usage. For your convenience, I define them here. For additional color on the expression, click on the term itself and you will be directed to an outside source. If you heard me say something on … Read more

Book Review: Drug Crazy by Mike Gray

Drug Crazy, by Mike Gray, is a page turner on the origins and impact of the Drug War in America. I have long been against the Drug War as a matter of principle: there is no justification for the group to force an individual to do or not to do a particular thing if the … Read more

How Much Would You Pay to Become a Sheep? Guest Post by Jason Riddle

According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: Total outstanding student loan debt surpassed $1 trillion late last year. Many folks blame rising tuition costs as the chief driving factor of massive student loan debt. According to the U.S. Department of Education, the inflation adjusted annual cost of undergraduate tuition, room, and board in 1980 was … Read more

Trayvon Martin, Gun Control & the Drug War: On & About This Week's Show

This week on the show I discussed the disingenuousness of Mayor Bloomberg as he says in the video below that because of loose gun laws he is concerned for the safety of his family, while he is widely quoted as having said in November that “I have my own army in the NYPD, which is the seventh biggest army in the world….I have my own State Department.” But what galls me is that he and others are using the Trayvon Martin killing to set the stage for a new push to further curtail our Second Amendment rights. Although I’m not a gunslinger myself (yet), I do believe that the Second Amendment is what stands between us and complete tyranny. Below the video are a couple of links I think may be of interest in defense of gun rights.

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Social Engineering, Brainwashing and Dumbing Us Down: On & About This Week's Show

This week I talked about the real purpose and effect of schooling our children. I talked about the idea that crony capitalists and the government made a conscious choice over a hundred years ago to try to tame the American citizenry to be good corporate citizens. There is much evidence to support this and I had at least three informed callers who offered their knowledge confirming this. The best source for both understanding the origins and purpose of the current system as well as insight into what real education is

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