"Not Obama" Just Ain't Gonna Cut It!!! Video Preview of This Week's Show…

Once the scales fell from my eyes and I saw the two party system for what it was–an oligarchy no more savory than the Five Families of New York–there was no turning back. I knew something was fishy after awhile when I realized that the Republicans claim to be fiscally conservative yet no matter who … Read more

False Flags: On & About This Week's Show

What is a false flag?
A false flag, generally speaking, is an operation conducted by the government but blamed on another party with the intention of justifying hostile action the government wishes to take against that other party. For example, 9/11 truthers think the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, was a false flag operation conducted by the US government to justify ultimately invading Iraq. I am not a 9/11 truther both because I am not convinced by the evidence offered to support the claim and because I believe the operation was so large and so risky that the US government wouldn’t have taken the chance that the consequences would have been uncontrollable. I will continue to have an open mind on the subject, but for now I’m not convinced, but I am convinced in numerous other cases.


Three men were arrested recently on charges of terrorism for allegedly plotting to throw Molotov cocktails at police during the NATO Summit protests in Chicago last week. I have read reports, however, that there were police informants involved in the plot and that the lawyers for the NATO 3, as they have been called, claim the incident was a “false flag” to justify police brutality during the demonstrations. I’m not certain these guys were innocent, but I do smell a rat when a small, one-off operation is foiled by insiders who happen to be informants. I can understand how informants bust mobs and other large scale organizations after years of hard work and deep infiltration, but for an informant just to happen upon an amateurish plot seems too coincidental and almost always seems like entrapment to me and this case is no different.
A caller suggested I was defending terrorists in objecting to such entrapment

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Don't Miss the Show 9PM-11PM ET on 750AM, 95.5FM or Right Here. Here's a Preview…

False Flags: Does the Government Set Up People (and Other Governments!) to Justify Retaliation? A few months ago I didn’t even know what the expression false flag meant, now I know they’re everywhere. Does the government really create operations to justify actions that would otherwise be unpopular? I may not think 9/11 was an inside … Read more

Join Me This Saturday, May 26, at Liberty Jam at Matilda's in Alpharetta!

Liberty Jam is a fundraiser for Ron PaulStock which will kick off Ron Paul’s delegates as they head to Tampa in August. It’s $25 for admittance and lots of great bands will be there. It’s this Saturday, May 26, from 12-6pm at Matilda’s in Alpharetta and I’ll be speaking at 12:40pm and hanging out afterwards. … Read more

It's Just a Turf War! On & About This Week's Show

Presidential Campaign
I gave up awhile ago on the notion that Democrats vs. Republicans was a battle between social democracy on one side and free market capitalism on the other. Having witnessed the great compromise in which both parties have come together in a Liberal-Fascist Center, I realize that yes, there is a battle between the two parties, but it is one over turf rather than ideology. It reminds me more of the Genoveses vs. the Gambinos than a representative government.
This total acceptance that the politicians are like mobsters and us voters are schlubs there for the shakedown makes it almost impossible for me to even listen to politicians’ BS stump speeches anymore, but I couldn’t resist tuning in to the latest Joe Biden Show. I played the audio Saturday night, but here you can see the fire in his eyes (must have taken a lot of practicing in the mirror to get “resentment” just right.)
Can you believe this guy? He’s telling middle class Ohoians he understands them by telling them he wants them to buy a house and go to college. Sorry, Uncle Joe, they fell for that one already! Now their houses are underwater and their grown kids are back at home. The American Dream is NOT a mortgage and a school loan!
The real Joe Biden said this recently at a Democratic fundraiser where he was sucking up to former Chicago Mayor Richard Daley: ”I never had an interest in being a mayor ’cause that’s a real job. You have to produce. That’s why I was able to be a senator for 36 years.” It’s funny ’cause it’s true! Biden was elected senator at the age of 29 and never looked back!

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SEIU Plotted JPMorgan Shareholder Protest A Year Ago

Concerned citizens marched on the JPMorgan shareholder meeting last week to express their outrage over the risks the bank takes and the losses it bestowed upon its shareholders. The only reason the citizens have any right to protest the actions of banks is that the government bails them out. These people should be protesting at … Read more