It's Official: The FBI was justified in shooting Ibragim Todashev 6 times in the body & once in the crown of the head…

Ibragim Todashev was the acquaintance of Tamerlan Tsarnaev who was gunned down in his home by FBI agents. As expected, the FBI found that the killing was justified. Of course they did. The New York Times reported that from 1993 to 2011, FBI agents fatally shot 70 people and wounded 80 others and every one … Read more

It’s Official: The FBI was justified in shooting Ibragim Todashev 6 times in the body & once in the crown of the head…

Ibragim Todashev was the acquaintance of Tamerlan Tsarnaev who was gunned down in his home by FBI agents. As expected, the FBI found that the killing was justified. Of course they did. The New York Times reported that from 1993 to 2011, FBI agents fatally shot 70 people and wounded 80 others and every one … Read more

Question: How Many Islamic Terrorists Marry into Skull & Bones Families?

Answer: One. Or none, if you don’t think Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a jihadist and think instead that he was a patsy as his dead friend Ibragim Todashev did.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the dead Boston Marathon Bombing “Suspect #1,” was married to Katherine Russell Tsarnaev, daughter of Yale graduate, Dr. Warren King Russell II. Knowing of Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s CIA connections and that Yale has deep links to the CIA, I wondered if Katherine’s family had any CIA connections itself. I thought perhaps Katherine and Tamerlan’s meeting was not as random as the nightclub story that is part of the official narrative. (How many radical Islamists pick up their future wives at nightclubs?)
Ends up, Katherine’s grandfather, Richard Warren Russell, was not only a Yale graduate as her father was, but was a member of Skull & Bones, the paradoxically well-known secret society. I happen to be reading a book I found through my research into tax exempt foundations following the recent IRS scandal, called America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones, by Antony Sutton, a Stanford Hoover Institution fellow. In that book, Richard Warren Russell is listed as one of the 15 annual Skull & Bones initiates for the year 1951. In addition, Richard Warren Russell’s obituary lists him as being a member of counter-intelligence for the US Army after graduating from Yale, which is not unlikely given that the connections between Yale and the intelligence community are particularly strong within Skull & Bones. (The Robert DeNiro movie The Good Shepherd highlights these connections.)

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