No Tipping Is No Bueno – An AnCap Perspective

This article originally appeared at I am reprinting it because of its relevance to this recent article: New Class-Action Lawsuit Accuses Chefs of No-Tipping ‘Conspiracy’. Nice title–way to prejudice the reader!


Capitalist society is self-ordering and tipping proves it!

Anarcho-capitalists claim that capitalist society is self-ordering. Hayek called it “spontaneous order.” Understanding this concept constituted my ancap epiphany. The premise is simple: arms-length transactions give rise to all the apparatuses needed to conduct and secure them.
I frequently take opportunities to point out to people in my everyday life that all the order we see around us is a function of our voluntary actions and self-interest. Rarely if ever do we see police forcing us to pay for our orders at McDonald’s. The counter-argument inevitably is: “The knowledge that the police are just a phone call away is what keeps everyone acting right.” I disagree, and the custom of tipping waiters and waitresses demonstrates why.
I was a waitress for seven years. In all that time, I can remember only a handful of tips that weren’t fair. I got 15% or more virtually every single check. Why? There is no law that a tip must be paid. None. The waitress could call you names on the way out, but she couldn’t call a cop on you. Why do people tip, and tip fairly–generously even? Perhaps it’s a sense of justice, perhaps it is fear of censure…whatever it is, it is a self-enforcing rule with no legal consequences for breaking it, yet it is almost never broken.

So why is there a movement to replace tipping with a higher minimum wage for waitresses?

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It's Opposite Day for Ohio Republicans!

I’ve been pointing out for awhile that the principle of subsidiarity–that the competent authority closest to you should be responsible for resolving issues–is under fire from the exact people who pretend to defend it. The principle of subsidiarity is the basis of states’ rights and the Tenth Amendment which reserves powers to the states that … Read more

Our Tax Dollars Destroying Jobs

The Wall Street Journal today ran a story about gigantic touchscreens appearing in hundreds of McDonald’s in California, New York and Florida. The article was about the technology and the implication, of course, is that we free marketers should rejoice in progress even at the expense of jobs. My problem with this assumption is that … Read more