What do Putin, the Popes, the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership & the Afghan hospital bombing have in common?
They all cry out for world government. Here’s my take, with references underneath the video. But there’s more than one way to skin a cat! There’s plenty of speculation right now in the wake of simultaneous but uncoordinated military action in and around Syria between the US and Russia that we might be on … Read more
What do Putin, the Popes, the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership & the Afghan hospital bombing have in common?
They all cry out for world government. Here’s my take, with references underneath the video. But there’s more than one way to skin a cat! There’s plenty of speculation right now in the wake of simultaneous but uncoordinated military action in and around Syria between the US and Russia that we might be on … Read more
Sony Hack PsyOp: Podcast of December 20, 2014 Show
Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Thanks everybody! You got me to 2000 likes on facebook during the show
Shirtless Cheeseball or Class Act?
This video demonstrated something interesting to me about standards, dignity, decorum, etc. My last facebook post was a video (see below) of how ignorant our college kids can be and I think those low standards reach up to the highest levels in our society, certainly in our government–but that’s not true everywhere. Putin really looks … Read more
There’s Only One Game: Podcast of September 1, 2014 Show
Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Hour 4 This is the Ron Paul clip in which he discusses a just war… Here is the Victoria Nuland speech to Chevron / Exxon… Here is the Hillary interview the day MH17 was shot down… Here is the article purporting to show John McCain with the … Read more