They're Coming To Get You!!!! Podcast of December 19, 2015 Show

Hour 1 Hour 2 I wasn’t the only one who picked up on the insane fear-mongering of Chris Christie! Here’s the SNL cold open aired a few hours after my show… Conan O’Brien media prank Operation Mockingbird Hugh Hewitt asks Ben Carson to promise to kill thousands of innocent children The Remnant Crazy picture of … Read more

They’re Coming To Get You!!!! Podcast of December 19, 2015 Show

Hour 1 Hour 2 I wasn’t the only one who picked up on the insane fear-mongering of Chris Christie! Here’s the SNL cold open aired a few hours after my show… Conan O’Brien media prank Operation Mockingbird Hugh Hewitt asks Ben Carson to promise to kill thousands of innocent children The Remnant Crazy picture of … Read more

Attn Hugh Hewitt: Here are the principles of a Just War…. Ben Carson should have given Ron Paul’s answer … Hewitt should hold up Churchill’s fire bombing of Dresden, the very term “carpet-bombing,” and Truman’s use of nuclear weapons for an unconditional surrender he did not get (the Japanese Emperor is STILL in place), against the tenets of a just war: Principles of the Just … Read more