Exposing the Shadow Government in the Ukraine (and the US?): Podcast of March 8 Show

Hour 1 Hour 2 Here is some of the source material I used for the show today… Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt conspiring to install a shadow government in the Ukraine (BEFORE the uprisings that ousted the democratically-elected President Yanukovych). Here is the wiki entry on one … Read more

Letting Go of the Two-Party Psy-Op: Podcast of February 22 Show

Here is the article I wrote about the REAL plan of the Republican Party… Neo-Conservatism: The Autobiography of an Idea A caller recommended we learn more about Ben Johnson but actually he meant Ben Carson – here’s an article on Ben Carson! What Does Ben Carson Prescribe for America? And here is Dr. Carson lauded … Read more

Our Enemy the State by Albert Jay Nock

I recently found Our Enemy the State, by Albert Jay Nock, under a chair in my kids’ playroom–I must have bought it long ago and misplaced it. I flipped the book open to a chapter: “Politics and Other Fetiches,” and despite the unpromising chapter heading I was immediately riveted. Although written in 1935, Our Enemy … Read more

Philip Seymour Hoffman vs William Stewart Halsted

Two of my brothers were hardcore heroin addicts. One quit, the other died. As a matter of fact, off the top of my head, I could name a half a dozen people in my family circle who died from drug abuse. Even short of risk of death, I think getting high every day, whether from illegal drugs, prescription meds or alcohol, is way more trouble than it’s worth, and I have seen people I loved degenerate into something less than fully human after transmogrifying into junkies.

For these reasons, it is understandable why I don’t take lightly my adherence to the libertarian principle that people are inherently free to abuse themselves, but I do believe neither the state nor the citizenry have the right to forcibly prevent an individual from using drugs for recreational purposes.

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