It's Faith & It's Fascism

The leaders of the collective are not calling for a gun ban because they have concluded it will reduce the number of killings in this country–they don’t start from scratch like that.  They are doing it because their religion is Faith in Government. They believe without question that government can cure all the ills in … Read more

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False Flags: Does the Government Set Up People (and Other Governments!) to Justify Retaliation? A few months ago I didn’t even know what the expression false flag meant, now I know they’re everywhere. Does the government really create operations to justify actions that would otherwise be unpopular? I may not think 9/11 was an inside … Read more

It's Just a Turf War! On & About This Week's Show

Presidential Campaign
I gave up awhile ago on the notion that Democrats vs. Republicans was a battle between social democracy on one side and free market capitalism on the other. Having witnessed the great compromise in which both parties have come together in a Liberal-Fascist Center, I realize that yes, there is a battle between the two parties, but it is one over turf rather than ideology. It reminds me more of the Genoveses vs. the Gambinos than a representative government.
This total acceptance that the politicians are like mobsters and us voters are schlubs there for the shakedown makes it almost impossible for me to even listen to politicians’ BS stump speeches anymore, but I couldn’t resist tuning in to the latest Joe Biden Show. I played the audio Saturday night, but here you can see the fire in his eyes (must have taken a lot of practicing in the mirror to get “resentment” just right.)
Can you believe this guy? He’s telling middle class Ohoians he understands them by telling them he wants them to buy a house and go to college. Sorry, Uncle Joe, they fell for that one already! Now their houses are underwater and their grown kids are back at home. The American Dream is NOT a mortgage and a school loan!
The real Joe Biden said this recently at a Democratic fundraiser where he was sucking up to former Chicago Mayor Richard Daley: ”I never had an interest in being a mayor ’cause that’s a real job. You have to produce. That’s why I was able to be a senator for 36 years.” It’s funny ’cause it’s true! Biden was elected senator at the age of 29 and never looked back!

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End the Drug War: On & About This Week's Show

I was joined in studio by Jay Fisher of LEAP–Law Enforcement Against Prohibition–that’s right! Cops, prosecutors and others in the field of law enforcement who are fed up with the Drug War have banded together to spread the word: The Drug War is a lost cause. Here’s a good short video by LEAP that introduces the subject of legalizing drugs from a few of the many law enforcement agents in the organization:
Many have concluded that the Drug War is a lost cause, but as with so many lost causes I have observed (the coercive, monopoly form of government for starters), they are lost because they are wrong and unnecessary, not because evil prevails.
Violence Is Caused by the Drug War NOT by Drug Use
The fact is, the extreme violence surrounding drugs is purely a result of the Drug War and not drug use.

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The War on Terror, the TSA & Rupert Murdoch: On & About This Week's Show

This week on the show we talked about the anniversary of the death of Osama bin Laden, but are we safer, and is this a big victory for Obama?

Are we really safer?

Are we really safer now that Osama bin Laden is dead? If he had been killed ten years ago, then I would say, yes, I feel safer, but the fact that that is no longer my answer is to me proof in itself that we have made things worse not better. We have taken out the two strongest, secular leaders, Hussein & Gaddafi–whether they were monsters or not, they were strong & they were secular and their deaths have increased instability in the region and caused radical Islam to spread, not to be contained. And we have gained absolutely nothing by our actions in Afghanistan as it looks like the Taliban will return to power there after we leave–as predicted by the courageous (and angry!) Michael Sheuer in his book Imperial Hubris.
Of course the powers that be speak out of both sides of their mouths, telling us that Al Qaeda is largely contained if not close to eradication, and at the same time double down on Homeland Security as if there were an imminent threat to the homeland by some massive invasion of terrorists. (See below.)

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Documentary Review: a/k/a Tommy Chong

a/k/a Tommy Chong, written, produced, and directed by Josh Gilbert, is a documentary film that chronicles the Drug Enforcement Administration raid on comedian Tommy Chong’s house and his subsequent jail sentence for trafficking in illegal drug paraphernalia. Chong was sentenced to 9 months in federal prison. Here’s the trailer….Continue reading >>>

Happy Tax Day! I'd Rather Burn The Money: On & About This Week's Show

I might not mind so much paying taxes if I weren’t so horrified by what they’re using it for! Check out this article in this month’s Wired magazine:  The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say).  And check out the insane New World Order imagery on this logo for the government program Total Information Awareness. I thought it was a joke or an Alex Jones type mock-up, but no, it’s real. I guess you can’t make this stuff up!

And this is what they’re up to….

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Obamacare, Romneycare & Proof That Both Parties March Us Down the Road to Serfdom: On & About This Week’s Show

Here is a video of the press conference Obama held last week. For Obama’s discussion of Obamacare and the Supreme Court as well as the sycophantic attitude of the reporter (which garners chuckles from fellow reporters)

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Social Engineering, Brainwashing and Dumbing Us Down: On & About This Week's Show

This week I talked about the real purpose and effect of schooling our children. I talked about the idea that crony capitalists and the government made a conscious choice over a hundred years ago to try to tame the American citizenry to be good corporate citizens. There is much evidence to support this and I had at least three informed callers who offered their knowledge confirming this. The best source for both understanding the origins and purpose of the current system as well as insight into what real education is

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