Divide and Conquer!

The planned parenthood videos purporting to show doctors negotiating to sell baby tissue are pretty horrifying. Of course, the left says it’s misleading and the right is calling for action. Very divisive issue – albeit a real and important one. But anytime a story like this crashes onto the scene and politicians and the media … Read more

Ted Cruz on the CFR: “A pernicious nest of snakes…working to undermine our sovereignty”

Here’s Cruz stating that the CFR is a pernicious nest of snakes working to undermine our sovereignty: Here is his wife, CFR member Heidi Cruz, working to foster the “North American Community,” a CFR project that undermines our sovereignty. For highlights of this scary document, click here. In the video below (h/t JB), Cruz dismisses “attacks on … Read more

Ted Cruz on the CFR: "A pernicious nest of snakes…working to undermine our sovereignty"

Here’s Cruz stating that the CFR is a pernicious nest of snakes working to undermine our sovereignty: Here is his wife, CFR member Heidi Cruz, working to foster the “North American Community,” a CFR project that undermines our sovereignty. For highlights of this scary document, click here. In the video below (h/t JB), Cruz dismisses “attacks on … Read more