I Call BS! The Shortage of Truckers is a Result of Deliberate Policy!
Nowhere in this article does it mention the systematic policy attack on truckers. Extreme restrictions on truckers’ flexibility over when to drive has crushed productivity–rising wages or line-hauls won’t make up for having to spend more hours idle for every delivery. Demand for truckers is going up not only as demand for transportation has increased … Read more
March for Our Lives – A Musical Montage of Protest Signs – Satire (Video)
The protest signs used at the March for our lives were not originally thought up by protesters. The organizers sent out slogans to use and even passed out signs at a variety of different locations. See links below. This is a musical montage of some of the more extreme signs used put to music that … Read more
Deep Long Term Govt Connections are not a glitch of false flags, they're a feature! #ReadMyTwips
Today’s tweets in one place…
Exposing the Propaganda #TodaysTwitterTrip #ReadMyTwips #ICYMI
Exposing lots of pure propaganda in today’s twitter trip…
Ep. 90 – What Google's New 300M "Fake News" Initiative Is Really About (Podcast)
Google launches 300 million dollar plan to fight “fake news”, Progressives roll out some hilariously idiotic new climate change talking points, Arnold Schwarzenegger sues big oil for murder, and Don Lemon perfectly illustrates the left’s reaction to the March for Our Lives protests. If you haven’t, Subscribe to the Propaganda Report podcast on iTunes. Rate … Read more
Portents of War; Trump Teeing It Up for the Blue Wave #ReadMyTwips #ICYMI #TodaysTwitterMinute
If you aren’t on twitter or are overwhelmed by all the new tweets you get, you might want to scan this post for a minute to get my original thoughts on the headlines that caught my eye this week so far.
Today I received an email from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee informing me that I’ve been selected to participate in a Post-March For Our Lives Focus Group. How exciting! Not only that, but the survey is personalized just for me. I feel super special. No. I won’t be completing my “personalized survey.” I was going to … Read more
What an Email from the Resistance Looks Like
Whenever there is a major event like Saturday’s March for Our Lives, in the days following I get bombarded with emails from ‘Resistance’ groups looking to capitalize on fresh outrage. I subscribe to many of them to better understand how they deceive their followers. Among other things, the emails always include specific instructions on what I … Read more