Body Armor in the Crosshairs

Another object of the various psyops that are unfolding these days is body armor. The three-pronged approach to gun control seems to be restricting actual firearm ownership without due process (pre-criminals labeled mentally ill, vets with psych issues, domestic terrorists, religious radicals, etc.), limiting ammunition access, and interfering with the ability for the citizenry to … Read more

Russia Is the New Russia

“Radical Islamic Terror!!!” might not have the kind of legs the Cold War did to keep the trillion-dollar-a-year war machine going: (Re-)Enter Russia. Several different propaganda memes are being used to demonize Russia from “annexing Crimea” to “hacking the election.” (Note well, however, I’m no Putinphile–he’s an eager participant in all this in my opinion-it … Read more

Keep Your Googly Eyes on Eric Schmidt ?

After Hillary vanished into thin air, I put my expectations for Google’s Eric Schmidt in the “What do I do with this now?” file, but when I happened upon a recent video talking about Trump’s meeting with tech giants, including Schmidt, I refiled my views on Schmidt under “same stuff, different day,” and put my article on the subject back under “What to Watch Out For” (#WTWOF)…
Here it is again in case you missed it the first time….

The Censorship Agenda: What To Watch Out For

November 6, 2016
In preparing for The Propaganda Report, I go through my newspapers since the last episode and see what I highlighted. This week, I saw an article I had flagged about Alphabet Inc. Chairman Eric Schmidt. It seemed an innocuous enough article, though it did make the Googlaire seem both altruistic, citing his work with Timshel (more on that later), and ethical–according to “leaked emails” he recommended a competitor over his own company for a project. (Funny how the “leaked emails” can reveal how above-board and well-meaning some people are!)
Here are a few excerpts from the article:
Alphabet’s Eric Schmidt Gave Advice to Clinton Campaign, Leaked Emails Show
The executive backed a startup that helped develop some of the technology behind Mrs. Clinton’s website

Mr. Schmidt in April 2014 backed a startup dubbed Timshel that helped develop some of the technology behind Mrs. Clinton’s campaign website, including functions to sign up supporters and accept donations, according to the emails….
A Timshel spokeswoman said in an email that it develops technology “to help nonprofits, foundations, social entrepreneurs and social-impact organizations build and activate communities.”…
Mr. Schmidt suggested using Amazon Web Services as a cloud provider. Inc.’s cloud service is the chief rival of Google’s cloud product.

I flagged the article because I recalled having investigated Schmidt’s Deep State ties in the past. In reviewing my old research on him, I saw that he was a member of the Trilateral Commission (as was Jeffrey Epstein, the main character in this week’s episode of the Propaganda Report), and a Bilderberger, like Vernon Jordan, the subject of an article I posted this week on Jordan’s positively Orwellian pleading for Big Tech to save us from “unfiltered information.” The weird thing is

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Propaganda Report Episode 20: 2017 Themes & Memes

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO EPISODE 20 OF THE PROPAGANDA REPORT **Monica’s Word of the Week…insular: detached; standing alone; isolated** If you haven’t, subscribe to the Propaganda Report podcast on iTunes for weekly in-depth propaganda analysis by clicking here.  If you’re an android user, subscribe on Google play by clicking here.  Check out Monica’s blog here Click … Read more

Gerasimov Doctrine, Russia's Cyberstrategy?

I was just reading an article in the WSJ called Behind Russia’s Cyber Strategy A 2013 article by Russian Gen. Valery Gerasimov emphasized importance of cyberwarfare but in typical propaganda fashion, the Gerasimov’s original article was not linked, so I did a little digging, and found Gerasimov’s article translated, but also found that the analyst … Read more

Morning Joe and Trump

by Andreago Ferreira As I’ve reported in previous blogs, the mainstream media seems to subtly bolster Donald Trump, which is of course contrary to popular opinion which blanket asserts that the mainstream Midtown and D.C. media is squarely against Trump. One of the key specific indications of this was leaked off-air audio from Morning Joe … Read more

Matthew McConaughey Double Teams A Lincoln Continental With Himself In New Car Ad

[youtube] Our culture is often reflected through entertainment and advertising. Future trends are also foreshadowed. Unless we’re being conditioned to accept a new normal where humans and automobiles have passionate love affairs, its anybody’s guess what the new Lincoln Continental commercial starring Matthew McConaughey is reflecting or foretelling. This commercial is trippy. This is … Read more

THE MARCH TOWARDS WAR – U.S. expels 35 Russian diplomats…History repeats itself again.

From Reuters The United States on Thursday expelled 35 Russian diplomats and closed two Russian compounds in New York and Maryland in response to a campaign of harassment by Russia against American diplomats in Moscow, a senior U.S. official said on Thursday. The U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters the Russian diplomats … Read more