by L. Fletcher Prouty

L. Fletcher Prouty was Mr. X, Oliver Stone’s version of “deep throat” in the movie “JFK.” Prouty was “a retired colonel of the US Air Force, jet pilot, and former professor of air science and tactics at Yale University….during the Kennedy years, [he] served as the chief of special operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He was directly in charge of the global system designed to provide military support for the clandestine activities of the CIA.” (From the book jacket.)

While those credentials can give Prouty a tremendous amount of credibility, they can also throw up a red flag. Something like this–a tell-all by someone associated with the intelligence community–almost always spells disinformation in my experience. Furthermore, it was first published as a serial by the Church of Scientology. That in itself is not enough for me to dismiss the book’s veracity–I know a few Scientologists and they are not as nutty as they are made out to be, however, I have read convincing reports that L. Ron Hubbard was a government operative whose personal history was a “legacy” created for him by Intelligence and whose operations were fronts for psychological experimentation. Therefore, it is somewhat suspect to me that this work by a special operations chief first appeared in a Scientology publication, and I must consider the possibility that this book is in fact disinformation. On the other hand, if this is not disinfo, then Prouty is a courageous hero who should be honored. It’s a tough call!

No matter which way Prouty shakes out, though, good disinformation is still mostly true. This is necessary to establish veracity and can be described as a “limited hangout,” in which the intelligence community deems that it is worth saying some things against interest in order to drive home critical disinfo. My goal in examining a work like this is to take from it the real information, the stuff they are “hanging out,” while not falling for the disinformation.

With that in mind, let me share with you what, to the best of my judgment, are profound truths found in this book. Specifically, what drives the power elite? And how exactly does the CIA micromanage events to serve their goals?

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Shirtless Cheeseball or Class Act?

This video demonstrated something interesting to me about standards, dignity, decorum, etc. My last facebook post was a video (see below) of how ignorant our college kids can be and I think those low standards reach up to the highest levels in our society, certainly in our government–but that’s not true everywhere. Putin really looks … Read more

Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography, by Webster Griffin Tarpley

My husband recently said to me after a party, “You’re like my pet hyena. When I take you out I really should ask people, ‘How close do you want to get?'” When I repeated this to a few friends, they were shocked at how well I took it. I, on the other hand, was shocked that they were shocked – it’s just too apropos to take offense at! I actually go out of my way sometimes to up the intensity with people I meet just to see how far apart we are. If I say something “deep” and the audience catches right on, I start from there, otherwise I proceed with caution. Here was my opening line that evening…

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Proof! It IS a Set-Up! Kaci Hickox is a CDC "Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer"

Natural News reports that Kaci Hickox, the defiant nurse who won’t abide by the most reasonable safety measures since her alleged return from treating Ebola patients in West Africa, was recruited by the CDC just two years ago as an “Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer!” I take reports of any kind, from the mainstream media to … Read more

Proof! It IS a Set-Up! Kaci Hickox is a CDC “Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer”

Natural News reports that Kaci Hickox, the defiant nurse who won’t abide by the most reasonable safety measures since her alleged return from treating Ebola patients in West Africa, was recruited by the CDC just two years ago as an “Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer!” I take reports of any kind, from the mainstream media to … Read more

Libertarians Beware! It’s a Set-Up!

I’ve been noticing something lately that worries me, and to make matters worse, I think I might be on the other side of this one from my hero Ron Paul and even the great Murray Rothbard! Disagreeing with Ron Paul doesn’t worry me – I disagree with him from time to time – he’s my hero more because he has the courage of his convictions than because I share those convictions (though I usually do), but disagreeing with Murray Rothbard is a much bigger deal for an anarcho-capitalist!

Fortunately, the disagreement is about tactics more than principles, but still it worries me. Rothbard and Paul both tend toward the “take what you can get” approach to political gain, and I’m not one to refuse libertarian inroads anywhere I can find them, but I do feel that an eyes-wide-open attitude is increasingly in order and events unfolding as I write are about to demonstrate exactly what we libertarians need to keep our eyes open to. The powers that be are picking and choosing our liberties for us not as a compromise but as a trap—a trap not only to play into their hands to increase power at the top, but even worse, to make libertarian principles look utopian and irresponsible. Here are a few examples…

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Be Afraid! Be Very Afraid! Ebola's Gonna Get You! Podcast of October 25, 2014 Show

Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Click on the links below to follow up on some of the references I made during the show… Ever hear of DRACO? It cures the cold, the flu AND EBOLA! TRAINING UNDER THE MUTUAL SECURITY PROGRAM (with emphasis on development of leaders)…aka the Lansdale Stilwell Report, reputed to be … Read more

Be Afraid! Be Very Afraid! Ebola’s Gonna Get You! Podcast of October 25, 2014 Show

Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Click on the links below to follow up on some of the references I made during the show… Ever hear of DRACO? It cures the cold, the flu AND EBOLA! TRAINING UNDER THE MUTUAL SECURITY PROGRAM (with emphasis on development of leaders)…aka the Lansdale Stilwell Report, reputed to be … Read more