This week on the show we talked about a list I came upon: Top Ten Global Risks we face over the next year. Here’s the list:
10. Regime implosion in North Korea, on the basis that the surprisingly rapid acclamation of Kim Jong-un as ‘great successor’ to his father is a façade.
9. A deflationary trap in the United States similar to what Japan experienced in 1992-95, with dire consequences for global growth.
8. Cartels capture the Mexican state, wherein the essential functions and institutions of government are ceded to powerful drug lords.
Elite Squad: Movie Recommendation
[youtube=] This is the first time I’ve recommended a movie to watch (I usually go for documentaries), but this is a must see. Elite Squad, set in the slums of Rio in 1997, claims to be based on a true story and whether or not the details of the characters are true, the tale of … Read more